United states administration preference

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Reference no: EM133187210

The United States administration's preference for economic interests over environmental interests is reflected in its attitude toward both climate change and COVID-19. For many environmentalists, the contrast between our relatively rapid and comprehensive response to COVID-19 and our comparatively lacklustre societal response to the climate crisis is disheartening. 

In January of 1970, just months before Earth Day, President Nixon signed into law the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)...which codified the precautionary approach. The precautionary principle, simply put, assumes that amidst uncertain information, a new substance or practice is presumed harmful to the environment until its proponents can demonstrate that it is not. In the case of the environment, the health of an ecosystem or an endangered organism a priori takes precedence over the potential economic benefit of a dam or a factory.

In October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) published an alarming Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5 degrees C. The report called for "rapid, far-reaching, and unprecedented changes" in all aspects of society to avert the worst disasters of climate change. To date, we have not seen these recommendations being implemented.

And yet, COVID-19 has forced us to make dramatic changes in every area of life in the space of only a few weeks. These days, many cities are reporting cleaner air and lower pollution. Some communities in India are able to see the snow-capped Himalayas for the first time in their lives. 

Right now, we are learning valuable lessons in resilience and human adaptability. Let us examine these lessons.  Let us take note of how some of the ideas put forward by different countries now are very much in line with UN sustainable development goals. And let's imagine how we might be able to harness these lessons to reduce the risk of catastrophes - disease, climate change, or other threats - in the future.

  1. Strategies to avert the worst disasters of climate change may be classified as mitigation or adaptation strategies. The following strategies may be CORRECTLY classified as climate change mitigation measures EXCEPT:

Select one:

  1. Carpooling
  2. Planting trees
  3. Storing drums of water
  4. Using solar power

2. Why should the health of an ecosystem or an endangered organism take precedence over the potential economic benefit of a dam or a factory?

Select one:

  1. Investment in dams and factories has to be balanced with current and future economic needs of a company
  2. The government generates more revenue from taxes to preserve healthy ecosystems and endangered species
  3. Economic benefits from dams and factories contribute to environmental management systems of companies
  4. Economic consequences of damaging ecosystems and losing species are greater in the long term than economic benefits from the dam or factory

3. An important benefit of biodiversity is demonstrated by the fact that:

Select one:

  1. Most of Earths fresh water is frozen in the ice sheets
  2. The smoking of ganja by adolescents is known to increase the chance of developing schizophrenia  
  3. Visitors to the island come to Jamaica to enjoy exploring trails in the Blue Mountains 
  4. Farmers consider coneys pests because the coneys are predators of their crops 

4. The improved air quality that is being observed in cities could be due to: 

Select one:

  1. Less energy being used to operate machines
  2. Increased burning of fossil fuels in factories
  3. Increased public transport and car pooling
  4. Increased use of non-renewable energy

5. Environmental legislations such as the United States' National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) are important because:

Select one:

  1. They ensure that people do not commit violent crimes against each other 
  2. Victims of domestic abuse are often young children and women who are not able to defend themselves
  3. They are signed by heads of governments at international meetings and conventions
  4. They protect natural resources that are required for human survival 

6. Which of the following is an In Situ conservation strategy that could be used to protect ecosystems and endangered species? 

Select one:

  1. Creating a public park in Montego Bay where the public is able to play with dolphins held in a giant swimming pool
  2. Storing seeds in a refrigerator so that seeds are available after a storm
  3. Protecting crocodiles by removing them from Hellshire and putting them in Hope Zoo
  4. Preventing the pubic from gaining access to a beach which is a turtle nesting site

7. Which of the following is NOT an example of the precautionary principle being applied?

Select one:

  1. Expanding water harvesting and storage facilities in preparation for droughts
  2. Increasing the size of the conservation area for lions to reduce contact with humans
  3. Clearing of the Amazon rainforest to establish pastures to meet increased demand for beef
  4. Relocating critical facilities such as hospitals further inland from the sea 

8. Which of the following is not a United Nations sustainable development goal?

Select one:

  1. Good health and well being
  2. Elimination of poverty
  3. Reduced inequality
  4. Reduced investment in infrastructure

9. Which of the following is an example of a "rapid, far-reaching, and unprecedented change" called for in the October 2018, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Special Report?

Select one:

  1. Consuming less meat in our diet to reduce the amount of land required to feed the world's population
  2. Increasing the capacity of large companies to increase production by reducing the cost of oil and other fossil fuels 
  3. Establishing more wells to Increase the capacity of large hotels to build larger golf courses 
  4. Increased long range travel to meet people from other cultures so that we get to know each other better

10. Which statement below highlights an anthropocentric attitude or action?

Select one:

  1. COVID-19 has forced us to make dramatic changes in every area of life in the space of only a few weeks
  2. The administration's preference for economic interests over environmental interests is reflected in its attitude toward both climate change and COVID-19
  3. In the case of the environment, the health of an ecosystem or an endangered organism a priori takes precedence over the potential economic benefit of a dam or a factory. 
  4. The report called for "rapid, far-reaching, and unprecedented changes" in all aspects of society to avert the worst disasters of climate change

Reference no: EM133187210

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