Unit 4.53 Information Systems Theory and Practice Assignment

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Reference no: EM133060528

Unit 4.53 Information Systems Theory and Practice - ATHE Level 4 Diploma in Computing

Level 4 12 Credits

Case Scenario
You have just gained employment in a consultancy firm Net-Works, which provides IT support to organisations. Net-Works has a range of clients in the education sector but there are also some businesses particularly in the financial sector. Net-Works has just gained a contract with Windermere College which is dissatisfied with its existing information system. The system is heavily used by staff and must provide accurate data. However not all staff are trained to use it and this can lead to mistakes including data entry errors and the consequent production of inaccurate reports.

The system is used for student enrolment processes, tracks learner progress and achievement and it generates the evidence for funding claims from external agencies. Senior managers also use the data to monitor performance of different departments in the College and to determine whether the organisation as a whole is meeting key performance indicators.The outputs from the system are also used by external groups such as auditors and inspectors.

The college has launched a mobile app to allow students to enrol online, however the application is difficult to use and is not fully linked to the courses which are shown on the website. Also if the student wants to enrol as an apprentice they have to apply in person through the apprenticeship office which means that data is not always held in the central system until after the student has started.

In the next few months Windermere College expects to face a reduction in its finances from the Governmentand also due to uncertainty in the local economy this reduction will not be compensated through an increase in fees for full cost courses. Indeed the staff in the college have been told that some cost cutting measures will need to be introduced for aspects of the college operation.

Assessment task 1
Using the information provided and with some additional external research, produce a presentation to the management team at Windermere College which:
• Critically compares the current information system that is used by Windermere College with information systems from other organisations
• Evaluates the effectiveness of a current system
• Analyses the information systems needs of a stated functional area in a business organisation.

Assessment task 2
Using the analysis and evaluation of the current system produce a detailed explanation of the requirements of the proposed new information system in order to meet the needs of Windermere College.
• Produce a report which assesses the feasibility of the project.

• Produce a detailed project plan which identifies how a new information system can be developed.

Assessment task 3
Your project plan has been accepted in principle by the College's management team but before signing the contract it wants to know more about the review process and what will take place. It has asked you to attend a meeting and in preparation for this important event you decide to produce a handout for the participants at the meeting which:
• Identifies the benefits of reviewing the performance of an information system
• Provides information on the criteria you have devised for reviewing an information system's performance
• Assesses the different methods which can be used in an information system review

Attachment:- Information Systems Theory and Practice.rar

Reference no: EM133060528

Questions Cloud

Realize a certain profit via covered interest arbitrage : 1. Suppose the interest rate in the U.S. is 5%, and interest rate in U.K. is 10%. The spot exchange rate is S($/£)=1.2. What if the one-year forward exchange ra
Identify the haircut that is applicable to equity securities : a) Identify the haircut that is applicable to an unrated BBB security during the crisis, and post (after) the crisis.
What is the concentration limit : For loans that are secured (collateralized), it is expected that 40 percent of interest and principal will be collected. What is the concentration limit
Prediction interval for vwnfx : a. Compute a 90% prediction interval for VWNFX when vwretd = 0.05 using the formulas in the class notes.
Unit 4.53 Information Systems Theory and Practice Assignment : Unit 4.53 Information Systems Theory and Practice Assignment Help and Solution, ATHE Level 4 Diploma in Computing - Assessment Writing Service
Conduct covered interest arbitrage : A foreign exchange trader, authorised to trade $30,000, faces the following quotes and interest rates:
What amount of equity method income would Matthew recognize : Lindman sold additional inventory costing 28,000 to Matthew for $50,000 in 2015. What amount of equity method income would Matthew recognize
Libor stands for london interbank offered rate : How many of the following statement(s) is(are) not correct about the LIBOR rate?
What is the total cost of the by-product : Data for June include: Amount of by-product removed is 2,000 units; What is the total cost of the by-product


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