Reference no: EM132980126
Unit 4 Construction Practice and Management - Higher National Certificate Construction and the Built Environment
Assignment - Evolution of the construction industry
Four articles (of between 1000 and 1500 words each).
Your answers should be written in a concise, formal business style. The selection of font face, font size and line- spacing are left to your discretion but you should keep in mind the importance of clarity and readability in professional documents. You are encouraged to use drawings, images, graphics, and charts to support your report and presentation. Any material that is derived from other sources must be suitably referenced using a standard citation format.
Review the Unit Content from the Unit Specification along with the Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria shown below thoroughly. This shows the depth of knowledge that you must demonstrate in the submission. It is important that your submission meets ALL of the PASS criteria as a minimum requirement.
Learning Outcome 1: Describe the construction industry with reference to company structures and other activities.
Learning Outcome 2: Explain different types of construction companies in the market and their relationships within the tendering process.
Learning Outcome 3: Discuss the key stages in a construction project, and how Building Information Modelling informs the different stages.
Learning Outcome 4: Analyse how the construction industry has developed suitable collaboration strategies in support of greater recognition of health & safety.
You work for a medium size construction company as a Junior Contracts Manager working under an experienced Manager. Your manager has been asked to write four articles for a major, well known, high circulation, monthly Construction Industry magazine. The three articles aim to explore the evolution of the construction industry and how construction processes for development have evolved. As she is an extremely busy executive, she has asked you to draft the articles for her.
She has given you four titles and some ideas of content for each as follows:
1. "The evolution of the construction industry past and present":
(Historical development of the construction industry, Professional and other institutes, including societies, Links between professional, technical and skills professionals, Contractor and head office structures, Site structure and organisation, Types of contractual work tendered by companies.)
2. "The construction industry and the tender process"
(Company types: professional relationships between companies, contract tendering, tender processes).
3. "Modern construction projects - key stages"
(Master programmes and contract planning techniques, The role of Building Information Modelling (BIM) on the construction, Modern procurement methods within construction, Sustainability)
4. "Health & Safety - collaboration in construction to stay safe"
(Key stakeholders in the construction process, BIM and collaboration, Health & safety within the construction industry: Pre-construction regulations and legislation, Site safety).
Each article is to be between 1000 and 1500 words.
You should aim to provide examples and case studies referring to actual building companies and you will need to bring out the relationship/s between small, medium and large construction companies and discrepancies, anomalies and similarities between construction sectors, for instance, residential, commercial and civil engineering.
Attachment:- Construction Practice and Management.rar