Unit 07 Strategic Information Systems Assignment

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Reference no: EM132808028

Unit 07 Strategic Information Systems - BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing

Learning Outcome 1: Analyse the information requirements of organisations.

Learning Outcome 2: Discuss the types of information systems that are used within all levels of an organisation.

Learning Outcome 3: Demonstrate the use of an information system to produce management information.

Learning Outcome 4: Evaluate the effectiveness of strategic information systems.

Assignment Brief

Most organisations are fundamentally depending on their information systems and these systems have become a key factor to facilitate and attain efficient decision making in an organization. Organisations are increasingly looking towards the application of technology not only to underpin existing business operations but also to create new opportunities that provide them with a source of competitive advantage.

Select an organization of your choice which you can gain information to address the following tasks. The organisation can be based on your own work environment or an organisation that you have knowledge.
Assume that you have been hired as thebusiness analyst for the particular organisation and you have been asked to prepare a management reportto the top management by highlighting the importance of using information systems with the organization to generate productive results.To produce this report you have to identify their information needs, functional departments, processing activities and day-to-day operational inputs and outputs.

Report format
An explanation of chosen organisation including:
• Background details of the organization
• Functional areas found in the organisation and their information need with comparing different processing activities occur withinfunctional departments. Support your report with appropriate (I/O) diagram to represent the data and information requirements for functional department.

• Information needs required at different levels of your organization
• The functionsand purpose of different information systems types and their need in different levels of the organization
• State the effectiveness of information systems in different organizational levels

Section 3:
• The importance of having current, valid , accurate data and information for effective decision making and forecasting in your organization
• Use of an information system for management reporting purposes
• The constraints that your organisation is facing when gathering data and information
Section 4
• Different models(Porter's competitive advantage,Wiseman's Strategic Planning Process) that can be applied to strategic information systems.
• The ways that your organisation can obtain competitive advantage within a global market
• How strategic information systems can contribute to the competitiveness of your organization

Attachment:- Strategic Information Systems.rar

Reference no: EM132808028

Questions Cloud

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Unit 07 Strategic Information Systems Assignment : Unit 07 Strategic Information Systems Assignment Help and Solution, BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing - Assessment Writing Service
The case of the floundering expat : Support your conclusions with at least 2 scholarly studies that support your recommendations.
Differences between qualified-non-qualified benefits plans : 1. Discuss the differences between qualified and non-qualified benefits plans, be sure to include to governmental regulation in this discussion.
Pedagogical and andragogical approaches to instruction : Compare and contrast the pedagogical and andragogical approaches to instruction.
Judgment in intelligence report : You have given your best judgment in an intelligence report, but the boss wants to change your conclusions and you do not feel the changes are appropriate.


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