Reference no: EM132691693
Unit 01 Contemporary Issues in Education: Theory, Policy and Practice - OTHM Level 7 Diploma In Education Management And Leadership
Learning Outcome 1: Understand contemporary issues affecting education policy and their impact on organisations.
Learning Outcome 2: Understand the impact of policy change on educational provision.
Learning Outcome 3: Understand developments in the education system resulting from legislatory requirements.
Assignment Title: Contemporary Issues in Education
For this assignment you are required to select an area of current debate within your own education setting and evaluate the impact and change it has had on legislatory requirements. You will present your research findings within a fully referenced research report.
Task 1 -
• Research recent conceptual changes in educational theory, policy and practice to identify one area that you will focus your research report on.
• Identify and evaluate the influencing factors on education theory, policy and practice related to your chosen area of debate.
• Analyse the implications of education theory, policy and practice on stakeholders related to your chosen area of debate.
Task 2 -
• Discuss the impact of key policy changes on teaching, learning and assessment in your chosen area.
• Describe the application of continuous improvement in your chosen area.
• Examine the measurement of continuous improvement in your chosen area.
• Evaluate models and theories of quality management in service delivery in your chosen area.
Task 3 -
• Explain the interrelationship between recent developments in the education system and legislation in your chosen area.
• Evaluate current educational practice changed as a result of legislation in your chosen area.
Submission Requirements;
1. 4,500 word processed Research Report.
Learning Outcome 1: Be able to identify issues requiring change in education
Learning Outcome 2: Be able to instigate change and improvement in educational organisations.
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to monitor the change process.
Assignment Title: Case Study for Educational Change
For this assignment you are required to select an area within your own education setting that that requires change in order to improve. You will write a case study to summarise the justification of the change, a proposal of how to implement the change and an evaluation of the change progress. You must liaise with your Line Manager to agree on the subject for this case study.
Task 1 -
• Research the need for change in your own educational organisation or setting.
• Apply models of change management.
Task 2 -
• Develop a plan for change using information and feedback from appropriate sources within your own educational organisation or setting.
• Determine the potential impact of change on resources and service delivery within your own educational organisation or setting.
• Communicate the plan for change to stakeholders to gain their support.
• Implement a plan for change.
Task 3 -
• Devise a system for monitoring implementation for the plan for change.
• Identify and propose ways of overcoming resistance to planned change.
• Evaluate the progress of a change implementation plan against SMART objectives.
UNIT 03 Managing Effective Intercultural Communication and Perspectives.
Learning Outcome 1: Understand the issues and theoretical
constructs surrounding intercultural communication and perspectives.
Learning Outcome 2: Understand how dimensions of culture can be barriers to successful communication.
Learning Outcome 3: Understand how to lead interaction in unfamiliar settings within academic contexts.
Learning Outcome 4: Understand the management of intercultural communication in education.
Assignment Title: Effective Communication in Education
For this assignment you are required to research issues and theoretical constructs surrounding intercultural communication and perspectives in your education setting. You will then use your research findings to prepare a report and deliver a micro teach session in your own educational setting. Finally, you will deliver a presentation to your group based on your research and how this was used this to influence your own practice.
Task 1 - Research and analysis
• Explore international communication skills in your own education setting
• Assess and evaluate the implications of the growth of intercultural communication and why thus has become an important aspect of applied linguistics.
• Analyse the influences of culture on communication and perspectives.
• Explain the barriers of stereotyping and ethnocentrism and their effect on intercultural communication and perspectives.
• Compare and contrast communication barriers between two national contexts.
• Evaluate the cultural and social impact of barriers to communication in one national context.
Task 2 - Micro Teach Session
• Define one area of intercultural competence.
• Self-assess own levels of ethnocentrism and examine own cultural assumptions and biases.
• Define practical strategies to enhance own and others' intercultural competence.
• Apply the strategy in own education setting to explore how lead and promote positive intercultural communication.
Task 3 - Evaluation and Presentation
• Explore the notion of ‘culture shock' in relation to managing intercultural communication in education.
• Examine what is acceptable behaviour and appropriate discourse within educational settings.
• Analyse how to manage the challenges associated with adopting unfamiliar communication focussed pedagogies in relation to learning.
• Evaluate strategies for managing the disorientation and stress that can arise from unfamiliarity.
UNIT 04: Pedagogy and Practice in Education.
The aim of this unit is to develop learners' theoretical and practical grounding in approaches to teaching and learning, related to subject pedagogic knowledge and pedagogic practices.
Learning Outcome 1: Understand what is meant by subject pedagogy.
Learning Outcome 2: Understand the nature of knowledge and its role in developing pedagogy.
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to draw on theory and research to support own pedagogic practices.
Assignment Title: Pedagogy and Practice in Education
For this assignment you are required to research on theoretical and practical approaches to teaching and learning, related to subject pedagogic knowledge and pedagogic practices.
This will include observing teaching and learning within your own or related educational setting. You will present your research findings within a fully referenced research report.
Task 1 -
• Research subject pedagogy in own educational specialism or subject.
• Analyse teaching, learning and assessment approaches relevant to own subject area.
• Evaluate teaching, learning and assessment approaches potential for pedagogy.
Task 2 -
• Using an observation of teaching and learning, critically evaluate the relationship between policy, practice and theory
• Examine how enquiry in practice can extend understanding of pedagogy.
Task 3 -
• Use research to apply pedagogic theory and practice in own education setting
• Discuss how professional practice has improved through observation, reflection, evaluation, enquiry and collaboration.
• Self-evaluate and apply learning to enhance practice.
Submission Requirements;
1. 4,500 word processed Research Report
UNIT 05: Leading Reflective Practice in Education
The aim is this unit is to develop learners' understanding of reflective practice in order to apply this to their and other's roles in an educational context, leading planning for personal development.
Learning Outcome 1: Understand the function of reflective practice in relation to leading the improvement of educational provision and practice.
Learning Outcome 2: Understand theories and approaches for reflective practice.
Learning Outcome 3: Be able to develop reflective practice skills in an educational setting.
Learning Outcome 4: Understand how to lead others in reflective practice.
Assignment Title: Reflective Practice Case Study
For this assignment you are required to explore how reflective practice effects your own and other roles in your education setting. You will write a case study to summarise your findings and use this to create a personal development plan.
Task 1 -
• Examine theories and approaches of reflective practice.
• Analyse how educational practitioners use reflective practice.
• Evaluate how reflective practice influences behaviour in educational contexts.
• Explore the potential advantages and disadvantages of using reflective practice.
• Explain the importance of leading the engagement of reflective practice to improve own and others' skills, practice and subject knowledge.
Task 2 -
• Using your research reflect on own practice using a previously discussed model.
• Apply the outcomes of reflection to practice through action planning.
• Analyse how reflective practice can change own perspectives, behaviours, attitudes and approaches.
Task 3 -
• Analyse the importance of supporting others' reflection and CPD.
• Describe approaches used to facilitate other's reflective practice.
Submission Requirements;
Attachment:- Contemporary Issues in Education Theory, Policy and Practice.rar