Unique cultural and political history of saudi arabia

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Reference no: EM13258365

The unique cultural and political history of Saudi Arabia has resulted in particular constraints on the educational system. These constraints impact educational leadership in ways which, in turn, impact educational outcomes. Especially given the rapid globalization which has affected every aspect of society over the past several years, it is not clear whether current educational leadership practices will continue to be effective. In order to ensure that Saudi students are well-prepared to contribute to the society of the future, it is critical to determine the leadership styles which are currently practiced and to consider what kinds of changes will be necessary to support teachers most effectively in the schools.

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Reference no: EM13258365

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Unique cultural and political history of saudi arabia : Unique cultural and political history of Saudi Arabia has resulted in particular constraints on the educational system. These constraints impact educational leadership in ways which, in turn, impact educational outcomes.
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