Unique bio-psycho-social-cultural and spiritual

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Reference no: EM133520291


1. Man as a unique bio-psycho-social-cultural and spiritual being who is always in constant interaction with environment. The constant interaction affects the following, EXCEPT:

a. individuals

b. families,

c. population groups

d. herd immunity

2. What organization/association defined health as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being,and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity?

a. ANA

b. WHO

c. PNA

d. CAN

3. Due to biological presence of brain, the psychology of human develops that further leads towards the development of man as

a. biological unit

b. . psychological unit.

c. social

d. philosophical

4. It is basically the combination of all three factors, all go parallel to each other , any phenomena cannot occur separately.

a. human personality

b. personality development

c. social development

d. philosophical development

5. It is the actualization of inherent and acquired human potential through goal directed behavior, competent self-care, and satisfying relationships with others according to

a. Orem

b. Murray et.al., 2009

c. Pender et. al, 2006

d. Nightingale

6. The early classic definition of WHO set a trend of describing health in of

a. social terms,

b. medical terms.

c. spiritual terms

d. philosophical terms

7. When WHO expanded the definition of health in 1980's health is viewed as, EXCEPT,

a. a resource for everyday life,

b. not the objective of living;

b. it is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources and physical capacities

d. it is living without a purpose

8. Which of the following factors include the inherited characters, that helps in the development of human beings ?

a. biological,

b. psychological

c. social

d. philosophical

9. It is used used in the context of units of people in communities who interact with each other in defining health of man

a. spiritual

b. philosophical

c. social

d. intellectual

d. community participation

10. Which factors are also important in the development of man that includes the systems of communication and exchange of ideas?

a. biological

b. psychological

c. social

d. philosophical

11. The WHO definition reflects concern for the individual as, EXCEPT

a. a total person functioning physically, psychologically and socially.

b. Places health in the context of environment.

c. places wealth as important than health

d.. Equates health with productive and creative living.

12. It is a dynamic state of being in which the developmental and behavioral potential of an individual is realized to the fullest extent possible, according to

a. WHO, 1986

b. American Nurses Association,1980

c. Canadian Nurses Association. 1982

d. Philippine Nurses Association, 1992

13. Other definitions of health were coined by different authors. For example, health has been defined as " a state of well-being in which the person is able to use purposeful, adaptive responses and processes physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and socially", according to

a. Orem

b. Murray et.al., 2009

c. (Pender et. al, 2006);

d. Nightingale

14. In the development of human beings, all three factors are very important and factors go parallel to each other, which includes, EXCEEPT:

a. biological,

b. psychological

c. social

d. philosophical

15. It is state of well being and using every power the individual possesses to the fullest extent, according to

a. Nightingale,F. 1969

b. Murray et.al., 2009

c. Pender et. al, 2006

d. Orem

16. He pointed out in 2004) that the WHO definition of health considers several dimensions of health which includes physical (structure/function) social, role, mental (emotional and intellectual) and general perceptions of health status.

a. Saylor

b. Selly

c. Samson

d. Solon

17. A stage of illness where there is refusal to acknowledge illness; anxiety, fear, irritability and aggressiveness

a. stage of acceptance

b. stage of denial

c. stage of recovery

d. all of the above

18. Which interactions between humans have also established an extremely wide variety of traditions, rituals, ethics, values, social norms and laws which form as the basis of human society?

a. biological

b. psychological

c. social

d. philosophical

19. Rehabilitation includes the following :

a. A dynamic, health oriented process that assists individual who is ill or disabled to achieve his greatest possible level of physical, mental, spiritual, social and economical functioning.

b. Abilities not disabilities are emphasized.

c. Begins during initial contact with the patient

d. all of the above

20. A stage of illness where the patient goes through of resolving loss or impairment of function

a. stage of acceptance

b. stage of denial

c. stage of recovery

d. all of the above

21. Focus of rehabilitation includes:

a. Coping pattern

b. Functional ability -activities of daily living (ADL); feeding, bathing/hygiene,

dressing/grooming, toileting and mobility

c. Mobility

d. all of the above

22. Other focus of rehabilitation includes the following, except

a. Integrity of skin

b. Control of bowel and bladder function

c. disease process

d. focuses on self-care

23. A stage of illness where an individual turns to professional help for assistanc

a. stage of acceptance

b. stage of denial

c. stage of recovery

d. all of the above

24. The following make up the physical dimension of health and illness

a. genetic make up

b. age,

c. developmental level

d. all of the above

25. The following is an example of a physical dimension factor affecting health and illness:

a. The toddler just learning to walk is prone to fall and injure himself

b. Prior to a test, a student always has diarrhea

c. An elderly woman who has only a third-grade education who needs teaching about a complicated diagnostic test.

d. Extremely nervous about a surgery, a man experiences severe pain following his operation

26. The encompasses cognitive abilities, educational background and past experiences.

a. intellectual dimension

b. physical dimension

c. emotional dimension

d. all of the above

27. An example of environmental dimension is :

a. The toddler just learning to walk is prone to fall and injure himself

b. b. Prior to a test, a student always has diarrhea

c. An elderly woman who has only a third-grade education who needs teaching about a complicated diagnostic test.

d. Increased incidence of asthma and respiratory problems in large cities with smog.

28. Health practices and beliefs are strongly influenced by a person's economic level, lifestyle, family and culture. This is a factor affecting health and illness and classified as:

a. intellectual dimension

b. physical dimension

c. Socio-cultural dimension

d. environmental dimension

29. The adolescent who sees nothing wrong with smoking or drinking because his parents smoke and drink is an example of

a. Socio-cultural dimension

b. physical dimension

c. intellectual dimension

d. environmental dimension

30. The person of Asian descent who uses herbal remedies and acupuncture to treat an illness is an example of :

a. Socio-cultural dimension

b. physical dimension

c. intellectual dimension

d. environmental dimension

31. When a patient who is a Jehova's witness and opposes a blood transfusion because of his/her religious belief, this can be considered as an example of factor affecting health and illness under:

a. Socio-cultural dimension

b. physical dimension

c. intellectual dimension

d. spiritual dimension

32. Emotional dimension example affecting health and illness:

a. The toddler just learning to walk is prone to fall and injure himself

b. Prior to a test, a student always has diarrhea

c. An elderly woman who has only a third-grade education who needs teaching about a complicated diagnostic test.

d. The young woman who has a family history of breast cancer and diabetes and therefore is at a higher risk to develop these conditions

33. A model of health and illness where it provides a way of understanding and predicting how clients will behave in relation to their health and how they will comply with health care therapies.

34. When Illness and death serves as a evolutionary function it is called as :

a. Health-Illness Continuum model

b. High - Level Wellness Model

c. Agent - Host - environment Model

d. Evolutionary - Based Model

35. Evolutionary - Based model interrelates the following elements:

a. Life event

b. Life style determinants

c. Evolutionary viability within the social context

d. All of the above

36. Which of the following do not belong to the four components of the health-belief model?

a. The individual's perception of susceptibility to an illness

b. The individual's perception of the seriousness of the illness

c. The perceived benefits of not taking the necessary preventive measures

d. The perceived threat of a disease

37. What is an internal or external factor that causes disease or illness

a. host

b. agent

c. environment

d. all of the above

38. The person or persons who may be susceptible to a particular illness or disease is called as:

a. agent

b. infected

c. virulent

d. none of the above

39. When Roman Catholics requires baptism for both live births and stillborn babies, this is considered as an example of

a. Socio-cultural dimension

b. physical dimension

c. intellectual dimension

d. spiritual dimension

40. Health promotion is best represented by which of the following activtis?

a. administering immunization

b. giving a bath

c. preventing accidents in the home

d. performing diagnostic procedure

41. Who were America's first two trained nurses

a. Barton and Wald

b. Dock and Sanger

c. Richards and Mahoney

d. Henderson and Beckinridge

42. Which professional organization developed a code for nursing students?

a. ANA

b. NLN



43. Which of the following is an example of continuing educaton for nurses?

a. attending hospital's orientation program

b. talking with company

c. completing workshop on ethical aspect of nursing

d. obtaining information about the facility's new computer charting program

44. Health Promotion Model focuses on the following functions:

a. It identifies factors (demographic and socially) enhance or decrease the participation in health promotion

b. It organizes cues into pattern to explain likelihood of a client's participation in healthpromotion behaviors

c. It explains the reasons that individuals engage in health activities

d. all of the above

45. Which is defined as an occupation that requires extensive education or a calling that requires special knowledge, skill, and preparation?

a. professional organiztion

b. research

c. knowledge

d. profession

46. In the Agent - Host - environment Model, which consists of all factors outside of the host?

a. agent

b. environment

c. all of the above

d. none of the above

47. The healthcare delivery system in the Philippines is dominated by the public sector such as, EXCEPT

a. regional

b. provincial

c. municipal

d. barangay level which is supported by private sector

48. Which is defined as an occupation that requires extensive education or a calling that requires special knowledge, skill, and preparation?

a. professional organiztion

b. research

c. knowledge

d. profession

49. Health and illness model thai is oriented toward maximizing the health potential of an individual. This model requires the individual to maintain a continuum of balance and purposeful direction within the environment.

a. Health-Illness Continuum

b. Agent - Host - environment Model

c. High - Level Wellness Model

d. none of the above

50. In especially stressful times, when patients and their family members are appreciative of any efforts (no matter how small) to help bring a bit of cheer done by a nurse, is a desirable quality having

a. an empathy

b. a stamina


d. sense of humor

51. It is also referred to as Kalusugan Pangkalahatan (KP ) which is the "provision to every Filipino of the highest possible quality of health care that is accessible, efficient, equitably distributed, adequately funded, fairly financed, and appropriately used by an informed and empowered public".

a. 4 Ps

b. Universal Health Care (UHC)

c. PhilHealth

d. none of the above

52. In the Agent - Host - environment Model, the level of health of an individual or group depends on the dynamic relationship of the

a. agent

b. host

c. environment

d. all of the above

53. The 21st century nursing is the glue that holds a patient's health care journey together. Across the entire patient experience, and wherever there is someone in need of care, nurse work tirelessly to identify and protect the needs of the individuals is the definition coined by

a. CNA

b. ANA

c. WHO

d. All of the above

54. A model of health and illness where the degree of client wellness that exists at any point in time, ranging from an optimal wellness condition, with available energy at its maximum, to death which represents total energy depletion.

a. Health-Illness Continuum model

b. High - Level Wellness Model

c. Agent - Host - environment Model

d. Health - Belief Model

55. A profession has the following characteristics, EXCEPT:

a. A profession requires an extended education of its members, as well a basic liberal education

b. A profession has a theoretical body of knowledge leading to defined skills, abilities and norms.

c. A profession provides specific service.

d. The profession as a whole has no code of ethics for practice

56. A "complimentary counterpart models of health protection".

a. Health-Illness Continuum

b. Agent - Host - environment Model

c. Health Promotion Model

d High - Level Wellness Model

57. Nursing education, with caring as its foundation, subscribes to the following core values which are vital components in the development of a professional nurse and are therefore emphasized in the BSN program. This includes:

a. Love of God

b. Caring as the core of nursing

c. Love of people

d. All of the above

58. The following are the key areas of responsibility for which a nurse should demonstrate competence, EXCEPT

a. safe and quality nursing care

b. communication

c. research

d. personality development

59. The following is a component of health-belief model

a. Control perception

b. Viability emotions

c. Health outcomes

d. Perceived disease

60. Which refers to professional character, spirit or methods. It is a state of attributes, a way of life that implies responsibility and commitment?

a. professor

b. professionalization

c. Professionalism

d. all of the above

61. Nursing as a science requires the following aspects when caring for patients:

a. specific knowledge and skills to provide safe and adequate patient care

b. critical thinking skills that are developed through evidence based research

c. none of the above

d. all of the above

62. Nursing is widely considered as an art and a science, wherein forms the theoretical framework of nursing is

a. daring

b. caring

c. none of the above

d. all of the above

63. What is an essential element of professional nursing that involves the initiation of independent nursing interventions without medical orders?

a. professionalism

b. practice of ethics

c. autonomy

d. research

64. Who defined nursing as an art when he/she stated "It is one of the Fine Arts: I had most said, the finest of Fine Arts"

a. Orem

b. Pender

c. Florence Nightingale

d. all of the above

65. What role of a nurse allows him/her to know patient including their strength, weaknesses, and needs. It also help to advocate for the patient or to give comfort and emotional support.

a researcher

b. communicator

c. a caregiver

d. an advocate

66. A profession is generally distinguished from other kinds of occupations by, EXCEPT

a. An orientation of the individual toward service, either to a community or to an organization

b. Ongoing research

c. Code of ethics

d. none of the above

67. It is the foundation for all nurses that covers the history, theories, principles, basic skills, understanding nursing process applications and its essence and more.

a. Fundamentals of Nursing

b. Medical Surgical Nursing

c. Pediatric Nursing

d. Maternal and Child Nursing

68. Which is the process of becoming professional, that is, of acquiring characteristics considered to be professional?

a. Professionalization

b. professor

c. professionalization

d. all of the above

69. What role a nurse practice when you protect your patient's human and legal rights and provide assistance in asserting these rights if the need arises and you act on behalf of our patient and secure your patient's health care rights?

a. researcher

b. caregiver

c. advocate

d. educator

70. When the nurse acts as a receptionist, answers phone, does the billing, take x-ray and ECGs, changes dressings, gives injections (such as BCG, DPT,r measles vaccine), and assist in physical examinations.

a. nurse educator

b. military nurse

c. clinic nurse

d. school health nurse

71. When a nurse coordinates the activities of members of the nursing staff in delivering nursing care and has personnel, policy and budgetary responsibility for a specific nursing unit or responsibility, he/she functions as a/an?

a researcher

b. communicator

c. manager

d. an advocate

72. What is is one of their leading qualities of a nurse that most people assume that all nurses enter the field because of this?

a. caring

b. pleasing personality

c. intelligent

d. prayerful

73. Nursing in hospital and related health facilities such as extended care facilities, nursing homes, and neighborhood clinics, comprises all of the basis components of comprehensive patient care and family health.

a. Institutional nursing

b. Clinic nursing

c. Occupational Health Nursing

d. Independent Nursing Practice

74. The entry salary of a community health nurse is

a. the same with a professor in the university

b. the same as that of a Senior or Head Nurse in government hospital.

c. the same with a starting doctor

d. a senior nurse in the RHU

75. This important skill applies to nurses of all ages, throughout every stage of their career, from recent graduates to the highly experienced.

a. Willingness to Learn

b. stamina

c. sense of humor

d. advocacy

76. One field of nursing that is considered peculiar only to the military and to the Air Force is

a. flight nursing or aero-space nursing.

b. stewardess or aero-space nursing.

c. all of the above

d. none of the above

77. The two major fields types of nursing are:

a. Hospital or Institutional Nursing and Public Health Nursing or Community Health Nursing

b. Public Health Nursing or Community Health Nursing and Private Duty or Special Duty Nursing

c. Industrial or Occupational Health Nursing and Nursing Education

d. Clinic nursing and Independent Nursing Practice

78. When a nurse exercising leadership skills in any role/level of the organization shows a willingness to grow and adapt at one's own pace, this is a good quality of

a. sense of humor

b. intelligenc

c. leadership

d. empathy

79. It is is also called community health nursing

a. Institutional nursing

b. Clinic nursing

c. Occupational Health Nursing

d. Public health nursing

80. A s a nurse when you help patients maintain and regain health, manage disease and symptoms, and attain a maximal level of function and independence through the healing process. You provide healing through psychomotor and interpersonal skills, you practice the role of a/an

a. advocate

b. autonomy

c. caregiver

d. educator

81. Advantages of Staff Nursing in Hospitals includes

a. There is always a supervisor whom one can consult if problems exist.

b. Nurses updated with new trends in medicine and in nursing care of patients.

c. They undergo rotation of different units and have a chance to determine their special area of choice before they are assigned permanently in one area such as Medicine, Pediatrics, Surgery, ICU-CCU, Obstetrics, Operating Room, Delivery Room, etc.

d. all of the above

82. A characteristic of a good nurse is one making a true effort to put themselves in their patients' shoes.

a. sympathy

b. empathy

d. kind

d. with good communication skills

83. One disadvantage of Staff Nursing in Hospitals is

a. More staff development programs are available in hospitals

b. They have the chance to get promoted to higher positions if they are qualified

c. Administrative problems and overwork may tend to dissatisfy the staff nurse.

d. all of the above

84. Advantage of Public Health Nursing includes, EXCEPT

a. It enables the nurse to utilize various community resources and maximize coordination with other members of the health team.

b. Focus of care is more on educational and preventive aspects.

c. Individuals, families and communities are motivated to assume responsibility for their own health care

d. Individuals, families and communities are not motivated to assume responsibility for their own health care

85. This is the date celebrated by the Nurse Corps as its foundation day.

a. September 5, 1938

b. September 15, 1938

c. October 5, 1938

d. October 15, 1938

86. Nursing can be described as both an art and as a science pertaining to:

a. heart and mind

b. body and soul

c. heart and spirit

d. all of the above

87. Private duty nursing use the title

a. Private Duty nurse,

b. Private Nurse Practitioner,

c. Special Duty Nurse or Private Duty Nurse Specialist

d. all of the above

88. When you explain concepts and facts about health, describe the reason for routine care activities, demonstrate procedures such as self-care activities, reinforce learning or patient behaviour, and evaluate the patient's progress in learning, you act as:

a. an educator

b. a researcher

c. a caregiver

d. an advocate

89. A private duty practitioner is defined as

a. A private duty nurse is a registered nurse who undertakes to give comprehensive nursing care

to a client on a one-to-one ratio.

b. She/he is an independent contractor.

c. The patient may be provided care in the hospital or in the home.

d. all of the above

90. It was once called industrial nursing.

a. Occupational Health Nursing

b. Institutional nursing

c. Clinic nursing

d. Independent Nursing Practice

91. When a good nurse, put that knowledge into successful practice practices especially in highstress situations, he / she possesses a good

a. communication skills

b. critical thinking skills

c. empathy

d. stamina

92. A nurse is a commissioned officer of the Nurse Corps in the active service, usually assigned in the Philippines Air Force (PAF), and who as undergone special training and instruction about flight nursing in the Philippines or abroad.

a. occupational nurse

b. nurse educator

c. independent nurse

d. flight nurse

93. This is essential to nursing, as nurses generally have the most one-on-one time with patients and are often responsible for much of the decision-making related to their care. What is this quality of a nurse?

a. with good communication skills

b. problem solving skills

c. patient's advocacy

d. empathy

94. The first military nurse to hold this rank was

a. Col. Elvegia R. Mendoza.

b. Gen. Elvegia R. Mendoza

c. Brig. Gen. Elvegia R. Mendoza

d. none of the above

95. Aside from knowledge, an important desirable quality of a veteran nurse that cannot be quickly replaced when he/she retires is

a. empathy

b. stamina

c. leadership

d. Experience

96. The term implies means the nurse is self-employed and provides professional nursing services to the client/patients and their families.

a. independent nurse

b. nurse educator

c. military nurse

d. clinic nurse

97. What desirable quality of a nurse needed when the physical demand aspects of their careers when within one shift, a nurse lifts an average of 1.8 tons (roughly the weight of a hippo) with patient lifting and adjusting and walk an average of 4-5 miles per shift?

a. empathy

b. intelligence

c. stamina

d. sense of humor

98. They are responsible for the school's activities in the areas of health service, health education and environmental health and safety

a. nurse educator

b. military nurse

c. independent nurse

d. school health nurse

99. This field of nursing is synonymous with specialization.

a. Advance practice nursing

b. nurse educator

c. military nurse

d. clinic nurse

100. The clinical nurse specialist is also known as

a. a nurse specialist

b. nurse clinician

c. clinical specialist

d. all of the above

Reference no: EM133520291

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