Understanding the need for change in health and social care

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Reference no: EM132174843

Understanding the Need for Change in Health and Social Care


Introduction and background notes (vocational context)

As a new graduate in Health and Social Care, you must understand the factors for change in health and social care services and the practices for evaluating and facilitating change. To do so you will be able to understand the factors that drive changes in health and social care services; you should also be able to evaluate recent changes in health and social care services and finally you must understand the principles of change management.

What you must do

LO1 Understand the factors that drive change in health and social care services (Recommended word limit 750 words)


You are a newly appointed Home Manager for ‘Liverpool Home Care' of the elderly. The setting has 30 beds and provides 24 hours care delivery. The clients in the setting range from 65 years old to 98 years and covers a variety of ethnic backgrounds. The setting has been in operation for over 10 years, and is noted to be one of the best care homes for the elderly in Liverpool. However, after a recent Care Quality Commission (CQC's) visit in which the commissioner highlighted and has been placed on special measure, with a warning that if changes about the services provided are not actioned , the care home will be closed down.

You have now been tasked to implement these changes. You are required to first write a detailed plan to convince CQC within the next three months how you will bring about changes to address the identified failings so as to bring the care home up to an acceptable standard and make it the best care home for the elderly once again in Liverpool.

You are requested to produce a brochure that will be presented at the next meeting for the new staff addressing the following.

Q1. Explain the key factors that drive change in health and social care services as applied to the case scenario.

Q2. Assess the challenges that key factors of change bring to health and social care services.

- To achieve D2, substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organised when assessing with examples challenges that key factors of change bring to health and social care services

What you must do: produce a brochure

LO1 requires students to produce a brochure. Below are steps for designing a brochure on Microsoft Word

1. Open a Word document.
2. On the upper left, click the "File" menu.
3. In the left vertical column, click the "New" tab.
4. Select "Brochures and booklets" from the available templates.
5. Select "Brochures" from the available templates.
6. Choose the kind of brochure you wish to use.
7. Include some pictures where appropriate

LO2 Be able to evaluate recent changes in health and social care services What you must do: Produce a report. Recommended limit 1000 words


As the newly appointed deputy home manager that oversees all of the Care home in the locality of Liverpool, you have been asked by the Health and Social Board who are a bit concerned about the outcome of the CQC visit report. The board members have asked you to write a detailed plan on how you will ensure that positive changes to identified failings are implemented. You need to convince the board by writing a report showing how you will devise a strategy and adopt a criteria for measuring changes as applied to the case study.

What you must do

Q3. devise a strategy and criteria for measuring recent changes in health and social care as applied to the case scenario [P2.1, M1]

Q4. Measure the impact of recent changes on health and social care services against set criteria as applied to the case scenario [P2.2]

Q5. Evaluate the overall impact of recent changes in health and social care [P2.3, D1]

Q6. Propose appropriate service responses to recent changes in health and social care services (include interviews, suggestion boxes, feedback, debate, waiting times, admissions, discharge, referrals etc) [P2.4, M2]

- To achieve M1, effective judgement has been made when measuring recent changes (using measurement tools like PDCA etc) in health and social care as applied to the case scenario.

- To achieve M2, complex information/data has been synthesised and processed through synthesis of ideas and have been justified when proposing appropriate service responses to recent changes in health and social care services.

- To achieve D1, conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified when measuring the impact of recent changes on health and social care services against set criteria as applied to the (case scenario)

LO3 Understand the principles of change management.


As the manager, you observed that most of the new measures you introduced were frowned upon by most staff who resisted the change. This prompted you to undertake a course in change management and found out that most of your strategies in place were not user friendly staff and service users as you never included their views or opinions. With this in mind you attended a crash course on "change management" and understood the various principles and theories that one could implement to facilitate change in the work place and you are now expected to share this knowledge to other managers for implementation.

What you must do: For Q7 - Q9, write an essay: (Recommended limit 1000 words)

Q7. Explain the key principles of change management using either Kotter's eights steps to successful change or Leavitt's model of change and apply it to the case scenario. [P3.1, M3]

Q8. Explain how changes in health and social care are planned. e.g. consultation, communication, top - down or bottom - up, management style, managing anxiety, staff development needs etc [P3.2]

Q9. Assess how to monitor recent changes in health and social care services as applied to the case scenario. (e.g. measuring and monitoring e.g. evaluative research surveys, customer/staff satisfaction, measures of efficiency (cost - benefit, referral rates, and case completion, waiting and response times) [P3.3, D3]

- To achieve M3, coherent logical development of principles/concepts for the intended audience was used citing either Kotter's eight steps to successful change or Leavitt's model of change and applying your answer to either the case scenario or your workplace experience (choose only one ).
- To achieve D3, convergent and lateral thinking when assessing how to monitor recent changes; evaluate research surveys, measures of efficiency, customer satisfaction etc and its impact the nursing home in the case scenario or your own workplace experience

Reference no: EM132174843

Questions Cloud

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11/23/2018 2:50:34 AM

5. Submission a. Initial submission of coursework to the tutors is compulsory in each unit of the course. b. Student must check their assignments on ICON VLE with plagiarism software Turnitin to make sure the similarity index for their assignment stays within the College approved level. A student can check the similarity index of their assignment three times in the Draft Assignment submission point located in the home page of the ICON VLE. c. All Final coursework must be submitted to the Final submission point into the unit (not to the Tutor). A student would be allowed to submit only once and that is the final submission.


11/23/2018 2:50:23 AM

3. Preparation guidelines of the Coursework Document a. All coursework must be word processed. b. Document margins must not be more than 2.54 cm (1 inch) or less than 1.9cm (3/4 inch). c. Font size must be within the range of 10 point to 14 point including the headings and body text (preferred font size is 11). d. Standard and commonly used type face such as Arial should be used. e. All figures, graphs and tables must be numbered. f. Material taken from external sources must be properly refereed and cited within the text using Harvard standard g. Do not use Wikipedia as a reference.


11/23/2018 2:50:16 AM

M2 Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques ? Complex information/data has been synthesised and processed D2 Take responsibility for managing and organising activities ? Substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organised M3 Present and communicate appropriate findings ? logical principles have been applied and justified D3 Demonstrate convergent/ lateral/ creative thinking ? Convergent and lateral thinking have been applied


11/23/2018 2:50:09 AM

LO3: Understand the principles of change management explain the key principles of change management explain how changes in health and social care are planned assess how to monitor recent changes in health and social care services Q7, Q8 & Q9 2. Grading Criteria for Merit and Distinction of this coursework Merit (M1, M2, M3) Distinction (D1, D2, D3) Descriptors Indicative characteristics Descriptors Indicative characteristics M1 Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solution Pass requirements achieved ? effective judgement have been made D1 Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions Pass and Merit requirements achieved ? Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified


11/23/2018 2:49:59 AM

Relevant Information 1. Outcome of the Unit On successful completion of this unit a learner will: Assessment criteria for pass: To achieve each outcome a learner must demonstrate: Questions reflecting the Learning Outcome LO1: Understand the factors that drive change in health and social care services explain the key factors that drive change in health and social care services assess the challenges that key factors of changes brings to health and social care services Q1 & Q2 LO2: Be able to evaluate recent changes in health and social care services devise a strategy and criteria for measuring recent changes in health and social care measure the impact of recent changes on health and social care services against set criteria evaluate the overall impact of recent changes in health and social care propose appropriate service responses to recent changes in health and social care services Q3, Q4, Q5 & Q6


11/23/2018 2:49:37 AM

General Guidelines • The work you submit should be in your own words. If you use a quote or an illustration from somewhere you must give the source. • Include a list of references at the end of your document. You must give all your sources of information. • There is a glossary at the end of the assignment that will help you understand the command words used for the assignment. • Make sure your work is clearly presented and that you use readily understandable English. Wherever possible use a word processor and its “spell-checker”.


11/23/2018 2:49:31 AM

14 January – 19 January 2019 The learners are required to follow the strict deadline set by the College for submissions of assignments in accordance with the BTEC level 4 – 7 submission guidelines and College policy on submissions. They should also refer to Merit and Distinction criteria that require evidence of meeting agreed timelines and ability to plan and organise time effectively without which the learner may not expect to receive a higher grade.

Write a Review

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