Understanding the development of workplace policy

Assignment Help Project Management
Reference no: EM133089569

BSBSUS511 Develop workplace policies and procedures for sustainability

Task 1 - Written responses

This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding the development of workplace policy and procedures for sustainability and its use within projects.

This task consists of questionnaires which associates with the knowledge of project management (PMBOK) in using, dealing and managingwith sustainabilityincluding leading of a project team. The responses should include the following:
• Must be relevant to your project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical aspects of developing workplace policy and procedures for sustainability and its management followed by relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently have or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to the same project topic chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit.
• However, if you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past.
• If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-learning. Theory answers without reference to your experience will not be assessed as satisfactory
• Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learnt to your project, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements in your workplace

Task 2 - Portfolio of Evidence

The portfolio of evidence comprises the assessment of the application ofdeveloping workplace policy and procedures for sustainability and your usage knowledge of sustainability whilst managing a project and its team. You will need to demonstrate your ability of sustainable practices to increasesubstantial aspects of the project's success such as economic, social and environmental performance and embraceaninnovativeapproach of attempting projects integrating the concept of sustainability that can influence on most of people'sindividual or professional customswhilst managing your project team applied to a project which is based on the project you have chosen for BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope subject unit. It should state relevant experience / exposure of your nominated project you recently have or are currently working on to progress both your studies and your projects simultaneously.

If you have started with this subject topic as an initial attempt of completing this course, you must negotiate and discuss with your Assessor to consider a project that you recently or are currently working on or a project that you have worked in the past.

If workplace project exposure does not apply to you, you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning. However, case study examples are a suitable substitute where workplace examples cannot be provided. Case studies are available on e-learning.

To such a degree you must negotiate with your assessor to use a scenario/case study examples that you will find on e-learning.

Your nominated project must be agreed between you and your Assessor so that its methodology, tools and techniques accommodate to the performance requirements of each Unit of Competency prior to start of work on the unit.

Your project must comprise:

• a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan
• a formal communicationplan
• a devoted and project-based budget
• formal and planned involvement with a wide range of stakeholders
• a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology
• a quality plan with assurance and control processes
• a project team-based environment.

Evidence of the following is important:

• demonstration of the development of workplace policies and procedures of sustainabilitypractices, usage and management for several complex projects
• knowledge of applying sustainability practices management plans, tools, issues and likely challenges

To achieve competency, you are required to demonstrate knowledge, skills and experience to:
Performance Evidence
Evidence of the ability to:

• scope and develop organisational policies and procedures that comply with legislative requirements and support the organisation s sustainability goals covering at a minimum:
» minimising resource use
» resource efficiency
» reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use
» employing life cycle management approaches
» continuous improvement
• plan and implement sustainability policy and procedures including:
» agreed outcomes
» performance indicators
» activities to be undertaken
» assigned responsibilities
» record keeping, review and improvement processes
• consult and communicate with relevant stakeholders to generate engagement with sustainability policy development, implementation and continuous improvement
• review and improve sustainability policies.
Knowledge Evidence
• outline the environmental or sustainability legislation, regulations and codes of practice applicable to the organisation identify internal and external sources of information and explain how they can be used to plan and develop the organisation s sustainability policy
• explain policy development processes and practices
• outline organisational systems and procedures that relate to sustainability
• outline typical barriers to implementing policies and procedures in an organisation and possible strategies to address them.

Q1: Industry code of practice
Q2: Definition of Sustainability and its pillars
Q3. Compliance with environmental agencies and policies
Q4. ISO14001:2015 Standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
Q5. Manage and use of 3R of Sustainability Q6

II. TASK 2 - Portfolio of Evidence
A. Scoping of Sustainability Policy
1. Define project sustainability scope
2. Sustainability Policy coverage
3. Sources of information to plan and develop policy
a) Internal Sources
b) External Sources
B. Organisational Commitments to Sustainability
1. With Stakeholders
2. Within Project System, Methodologies and Procedures
C. Identify and Consult with Stakeholders
D. Promoting workplace sustainability policy
E. Planning and developing sustainability policy
1. Analysis of project's current sustainability approach
2. Recommendations and Plans for Sustainability Policy
3. Development of Sustainability Policy
F. Complying with licensing, regulations or environment policy
1. Development or Project work procedures
2. Project Resources Consumption plan
3. Project Environment Hazards
4. Project Work activities Impact
G. Barriers affecting the application Sustainability Policy
H. Continuous Improvements of Sustainability practices
Q1: Initiatives of Continuous Improvement and application
Q2: System to record, report on data and feedback
Q3. Communicate to engage with the continuous improvement
I. Trend Analysis for Sustainability reporting
J. Review of policy and identified non-compliance

Written Responses

You will need to complete the relevant templates from each knowledge area which are provided, you may use templates from the text or from your workplace that provide evidence of your competency.

Question 1: As a Project Manager you must understand the role of an industry code within which the project is being generated to prevent or minimise environmental harm. Thesecan be mandatory or voluntary.Based on your chosen nominated project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope, define what an industry code of practice is and outline what role it plays within your project and what are theaim of such codes?

Question 2: Define Sustainability.Explain in your own words. Also state the pillars of Sustainability and outlinehow you as a Project Manager, can fit all the dimensions of Sustainability within the context of your project whilemanaging your nominated project?

Question 3: Projects from various industrial fields' foster compliance and enforcementto certain regulatory acts, policies, legislations and restrictions to ensure its activities and actions are consistent, fair and credible. Identify the environmental agency and policies of the state within which your nominated project is being functioned, and outline any legislation, fines or restrictions that may take place while dealing your nominated project.

Question 4: A Project Manager should seek to minimise the project's impact on our environment and maximise the effective use of resourcesthroughgrowing communication and consciousness of efforts in harmony with an environmental policy and promoting responsible environmental behaviour midstStakeholdersat all levels.
Respond to the followings:

1. Outline what you mean by ISO14001:2015 Standard for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
2. How you can educate your team members the procedures, benefits and implementation of such standards within your nominated project?
3. What information will you provide them about the procedures? Include in your responses, what might be contained within an organisation's environment policies and procedures relevant to your nominated project and
4. Where they can have access to such information?

Question 5: Depending on the industry segment and the uses to which various materials and or resources are to be put, policies accompanied by strategies are established for minimising resources use, reducing toxic material and hazardous chemical use. As a Project Manager, it is vital to consult the development of these strategies with relevant personnel to determine, manage use and the application of toxic materials and hazardous chemicals with a vision to eliminate or substitute that is suitablefor the project environment.

A life cycle view facilitates risks allied with toxins and hazardous chemicals to be measured in relation to:
• Past events
• Current undertakings
• Planned and forecast activities - designand application
• Normal operating conditions
• Incidents , accidents and emergencies
• Total life cycles impact including those related to waste
• Product/substance development - in terms of substitution or alternatives uses
• Environment compliance requirements

Planning to designate waste minimisation goals within your nominated project, use the 3R's of sustainability to apply to your project environment and outline how you will communicate these plans with your project team members.

Task 2 - Portfolio of Evidence

Youmust use the same project for all units in this course and must relate to the project you will nominate for this subject unit, unless your nominated project changes during the course or cannot adapt to the performance requirements of any of the units of competency. If either or both events occur during your course, you must contact your Assessor to find out what you need to do to continue to satisfy the course performance requirements and achieve competency.

The project must be in an organisation, business or you are operating as a consultant.

Your nominated project must have:

• a comprehensive, detailed and integrated project management plan
• a formal communicationplan
• a dedicated and project-based budget
• formal and planned engagement with a wide range of stakeholders
• a documented risk, issues and change-management methodology
• a quality plan with assurance and control processes
• a project team-based environment.

The notion of Sustainability has expanded extensive credit and position that has generated augmented pressure on business organizations to expand their performance measures from economic performance for investors, to sustainability performance for all stakeholders. And this leads to anticipated rising pressure from society to balance social, environmental and economic interests in dealing various projects and their position in protecting and distributing innovative practices that are relevant to sustainability.
As a PM of your nominated project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage project Scope, you analyse the transformation of managing the project, needs to embrace the integration of sustainability into its core values and practices. This must be encouraged to project Stakeholders to look at projects in a whole new perspective that fosterssustainabilityapproach. The approachshould encompass of organisational values, information transfer, management's commitment, shared experiences of team members, and the perceived achievementattained through the application of sustainability.
This practice should result in several project outcomes, such as managing wastage, reducing unemployment, maximising land use, preserving biodiversity,fostering diversity,enabling local community engagement and future access to capital markets, high client loyalty, supply chain improvements, development of capabilities, goodwill for administrations, positive employee morale and retention of knowledge workers, and reduced business risks. Certain elements such as labour practices, human rights, fair business dealings, and consumer issues must be evaluated as well to ensure correct implementation of the practice.
Consideringthe importance Sustainability approach offers, you as a Project Manager, are required to consult with relevant Stakeholders and designate strategies and activities to integrate sustainability into your nominated project environment.
You will need to complete the relevant templates from each performance evidence area which are provided and use the given templates, or you can use any other relevant templates from your workplace of similar context that provide evidence of your competency.Responses or evidences must refer your nominated project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope.

A. Scoping of Sustainability Policy

With opening prospects to harness Stakeholder's creativity and realising the innovative ways they can bring, you as a Project Manager, can enable ways to protect and improvethe project environment,respect, and empower all the individuals and shape enduring wealth within the project and its associated business value.Usually, in a project environment, advice is sought from appropriate experts to elicit views and to confirm common understanding on scoping sustainability practices.
Your role is to put in the effort to encourageSustainability practicesthrough goals and objectives that fits within your project environment. It should consent to interconnect the laws that are already in place and enforced, with the basic needsof good commercial practice, which includes avoidingunfair practices with providingcomprehensive transparency. You must also consider the social, environmental, and supply issues wherever they operate, and in many cases, wherever their suppliers and their customers operate.
So as an initial attempt to integrate sustainability into your own project management practices and guide your team toward sustainability, you need to commence scoping that considers the business value and its influence on the project. With sustainable project management, you are required to include environmentally-sound choices and strategies as an integral part of the project. It is suitable and recommended to establish this as an objective prior project planning initiativewith the intention ofto integrate environmental awareness into the entire scope of the project.

A1. Define project sustainability scope

In terms of Sustainability, scope is about how far or how much detail you will look for your sustainability policy
• what will be covered by the policy
• who is responsible
• what resources may be needed

As a Project Manager, you are to state certain considerations for defining the scope of your project's Sustainability policies.
You are to list at least six(6)considerations in the given space below: some examples are given for your better understanding.

A2. Sustainability Policy coverage
You are to list at least five (5)statements in the given space below: some examples are given for your better understanding.

A3. Sources of information to plan and develop policy
Depending on the type of project environment you are managing, as a Project Manager, you are responsible to research and outline the environmental or sustainability legislations, regulations and codes of practice applicable to the project.
List the various sources, both internal and external from which you can gain information to assist you to consider strategies that enable sustainable consumption and maintenance of resources of your nominated project as stated in BSBPMG511 Manage Project Scope.
You may consider the following areas of sources of information to support your findings:
• Laws and regulations - these will detail mandatory actions and guidelines for the policy
• Regulatory authorities - government agencies can provide advice, information and examples of best practice
• Staff with expertise - you may have employees specialising in environmental management and employees who can use their knowledge and experience to identify how work systems and procedures can be made more sustainable
• External specialists - there are people trained in sustainability that could be hired as consultants
• Secondary research - articles and blogs are published in magazines and online regarding sustainable policies

B. Organisational Commitments to Sustainability

Policies are established to specify the organisation's value and purposes and to guide business practice within the necessities of the relevant legislation. It is imperative for the Stakeholder's to have an expectation that the business/project will behave ethically and correctly in terms of its social, economic and environmentalinteractions.
As a Project Manage you must implement the system of principles of right and wrong that overseeethics and social demeanour. You must be able to reflect and inspire the projectsetting to adopt organisational ethics that reflect on the effects of products/services, relationships with Stakeholders including your team members and with relationship between the project and its environments.
Team members who bring into linetheir morals with those of the organisation/ project respond with strong motivation and high performance. Displayingethically and reliably goes well beyond more compliance with legal obligations and comprisesacting with honesty, integrity and a manner that is related with the rational expectations of Investors, Project Sponsors and the broader community e.g. respecting human rights of project team members, creating safe and non-discriminatory workplace, dealing honestly with contractor and/or suppliers)
Demonstrate how you as a Project Management should act ethically and responsibly to enhance your project outcome and commitments to sustainability by providing your responses within the given template below in Task E1 and E2.

B1. With Stakeholders

Demonstrate how you as a Project Management should act ethically and responsibly to enhance your project outcome and commitments to sustainability with Stakeholders: List at least 3 Stakeholders (e.g. Sponsors, team members, suppliers).

B2. Within Project System, Methodologies and Procedures
Demonstrate how you as a Project Management should act ethically and responsibly to enhance your project outcome and commitments to sustainability within project system, methodologies and procedures that reflects commitment to sustainability.

C. Identify and Consult with Stakeholders

All Stakeholders both within and outside the project organisation need to be recognised in the context of their definite needs and prospectsconcerning sustainability and interactions with society and the environment. They may have contradictoryexpectations;however, theiropinions must be measured for the evolution of sustainability policy as their feedback can be very useful for its development.
As the Project Manager of your nominated project, ensuring to fulfil the various Stakeholder's interest of the project, its actions, products or services, it is vital to keep them well informed, create awareness and about changes that will impact on them.
Using the given template below, state how you considered their ideas and support and raised awareness of the information to the overall project organisation. Suggested ideas have been given to support your findings.
You are required to identify at least 2(two) Stakeholders, 1 (one)Internaland1 (one)External), and provide associated data within the template.

D. Promoting workplace sustainability policy

Promoting your sustainability policy is not limited to educating project team members and maintaining support for it but also needs to be promoted to other organisations you deal with e.g.suppliers and contractors.
The aim is to instructStakeholders about the policy and to stimulate them to change the technique they utilise to execute their work. This can be done by encouraging the benefits of sustainability practices.
Considering your project environment, state at least 2 benefits of promoting sustainability practice and what methods would your use to foster this endorsement.
You are required to identify at least 4 Stakeholders (Internal and External) and provide associated data within the template. Suggested ideas have been given to support your findings.

E. Planning and developing sustainability policy

The objectives to implement sustainability work practices reflects to critically examine existing project plans and processes to introduce mechanisms that provide the connection betweenthe social, cultural, environmental and economic aspects. This implies the continuation of project activities and sustenance of project outcomes by facilitating planning by implementing appropriate approaches to sustainability within local and global contexts.
Your task as a Project Manager is to acknowledge the project's current facilities to evaluate its measure ti sustainability and then develop a plan as a guide to establish a Sustainability policy that fits in with the project's objectives. This task can be critical, that may require expert judgement to discuss the plan and its application. You may consider one of your classmates as an Expert Judgement to discuss your findings to complete the tasks from E1 - E3.

E1. Research Analysis of project's current sustainability approach 6 marks
Your task is to conduct a research analysis of your nominated project'scurrent Sustainabilityapproachthat can assist to practisebench marking.
State your findings in the given template below: There are 8 areas addressed below. You are to provide 1 (one) data in each area.

E2. Recommendations and Plans for Sustainability Policy

Referring to your findings as stated in Task E1, you are to make recommendations for a sustainability policy in a workplace. This needs to reflect global, regulatory and organisational factors relevant to the organisation (or section of the organisation) you have chosen. The recommendations need to justify the policy in terms of specific strategies, stakeholders consulted and not just document general principles. In a project environment, advice is sought from appropriate experts to elicit views and to confirm common understanding on plans for sustainability practices.
Your task is to consult with relevant Stakeholder and generate a guide that should be agreed between all parties of the project on methods, strategies and outcomes to plan resources efficiency. Planning sustainability needs to be reflected in the policyin order to set goal(s)/performance indicators to support the achievement such planfor resources efficiency. The goals must be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time bound). The following are two examples of a sustainability goal:

F. Complying with licensing, regulations or environment policy

Assume the Project team members have agreed to the developed options of the project Sustainability policy. Now in collaboration with the team, you as the Project manager need to now identify and describe procedures to follow at this project organisation in order to comply with licensing, regulations or environmental policy.
List any two(2) workplace procedure and its associated purpose and use. Suggested samples are given for your better understanding.

F2. Project Resources Consumption plan

In reference to previous task, you, as a Project Manager need to monitor and track through recording some of the resources project team members may have used in one day.
This can be done by identifying the resources and listing the volume of the resource consumed for different activities.
You may choose as an alternative to completing this table, you could conduct an audit or survey. For example a paper audit: count the number of paper sheets or reams used up over a period of time. Or conduct a survey amongst your project team members and find out how much car fuel is consumed in total amongst the group in one (1) day.
You are to list at least 2 (two) data of resources and associated unit of measurement and usage. Suggested examples are to support your findings.

F3. Project Environment Hazards

It is vital for the Project Manager to identify environmental hazards within your project or workplace.
You may consider various environmental hazards e.g. smog, gases, odours, waste water, sewage leaks, pesticides and waste (plastics).
You are to list at least 2 (two) data of hazards and associated explanation and risks. Suggested examples are to support your findings.

F4. Project Work activities Impact

As a continuation of the above Task F3, you as the Project Manager, are required to identify which aspects of the environment your project work activities impact through analysing the workexecution across the project phases. You are required to record at least 2 (two) work activities and its associate impacts and comments.

G. Barriers affecting the application Sustainability Policy

You are required to consider all various barriers that might affect the implementation of the Sustainability policy and procedures within the project environment and identify the strategies to address them.
You are to record your findings using the given template below. Record at least one (1) barrier and associated strategies to overcome.

H. Continuous Improvements of Sustainability practices

Continuous improvement is an ongoing cycle of review and evaluation of your processes and procedures in your organisation. Having a continuous improvement policy helps you to refine the way you do things to make it as effective and efficient as possible. Having an improvement process means that all volunteers (and staff) can contribute to the improvement of the way you work.

State how you as a PM can apply continuous improvement initiatives to resource efficiency of your project for constant advancement and upgrades to resources acquisition operations, input transformation and outputs.

Q1. Use any 3 areasof three following that might apply to continuous improvements of resources efficiency and state your findings in the given template below:
• Better resources acquisition - natural, reusable, recyclable or renewable
• Use of green energy
• Local sourcing (where applicable) - carbon footprint
• More effective and efficient use of resources - operations processes
• Less waste generation
• Biodegradable materials
• Improved management of waste/waste disposal
• ISO standards that help organisations manage their environmental responsibilities

Q2. State how you have established a system to record and report on data, feedback associated with the policy and with tracking continuous improvement in sustainability approaches.
Q3. Explain what approach you would take to communicatewith your project team members or other various Stakeholdersto encourage their agreement and engagement with the continuous improvement of the project's sustainability policy.

I. Trend Analysis for Sustainability reporting
With the intention of increased awareness and instruction levels that on impact sustainable behaviour; as a ProjectManager, youhave conductedongoing research on sustainabilitytrends to see how the policy targets demonstrates compliance
You are required to prepare a trend analysis to your Key Stakeholders in which you will provide feedback to them regarding the success or otherwise of the sustainability policy. Your report identified trends that is a reflection any investigations you have undertaken to evaluate to compliance with the project's/ organisation's commitment to continuous improvement.

J. Review of policy and identified non-compliance
Based on yourreport you have undertaken to identify trends that may require remedial action and what action is recommended. Identify any aspect of sustainability procedures that may require revision to comply with the organisation's commitment to continuous improvement.

As a Project Manager, you have reviewed the Sustainability policy, researched the trend analysis, examined the set goals, mapped against execution of work and have evaluated the outcome during the project delivery phase. It has come to your attention that there are certain work procedures that are not complaint with the policy thatmay require remedial action and need adjusted and documented. You have produced a compliance review report to address/communicate to team membersthe procedures that may require revision to comply and to encourage them to commit in meeting the bench mark.

Attachment:- Assessment - Sustainability.rar

Reference no: EM133089569

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