Understanding principles of strategic marketing management

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Reference no: EM13943387

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1 understanding the principles of strategic marketing management 1a) discuss the role of strategic marketing in the IBM or any organisation in the uk Market and advise management on the impact of an effective strategic marketing management on competitive advantage as compared to tactical marketing management. 1b) explain the process involved in strategic marketing,(based on your experience) to a newly qualified graduate in marketing who is preparing for an interview with IBM or any organisation of your choice 1c)evaluate the links between strategic marketing and corporate strategy of IBM and justify an inclusion of marketing director on the business organisational structure

2 understand the tools used to develop a strategic marketing strategy 2a)assess the value of models used in strategic marketing planning and state the efficancy of how both business and corporate strategies models may be justified with IBM analysis during difficult period within the market 2b) discuss the link between strategic positioning and marketing tactics. In your report, establish a common rationale behind these two management activities in IBM 2C) Critically analyse the merits of relationship marketing in IBM strategic marketing strategy and illustrate this with example from your own experience and other different types of relationship marketing which can provide further benefits to IBM

3 be able to use strategic marketing techniques 3a)discuss the effectiveness of using appropriate marketing techniques to ascertain growth opportunities available to IBM in an online (internet service) market. 3b)plan appropriate marketing strategy options which will be ideal for IBM and apply them. How can you convince the management to adopt such a newly strategic option? 3c) discuss appropriate strategic marketing objective for IBM and create an ideal objective which will enhance competitive advantage for IBM.


Reference no: EM13943387

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