Reference no: EM133760620
Assessment Project
The Proposal is used to demonstrate to the client your understanding of the problem while clearly explaining the steps you intend to take. It must provide a good background of the organisation, its current stage, and a clear project scope. Objectives should be clearly defined, project requirements clearly outlined, the timeline identified, and key stakeholders and target audience identified. The project you will undertake aims to add value to the workplace. Knowledge and understanding of the workplace environment and any issues faced by the organisation will assist in the development of your proposal.
Expected content will include:
Relevant identification of theories to be reviewed, tasks undertaken and findings to date. Your Proposal should identify and demonstrate conceptualization of the problem and develop appropriate research methods to find valid and reliable evidence-based solutions. Demonstrate comprehensive learning of the relevant topic, theories and research methods, which integrate academic research-based knowledge with actual industry application learning in the workplace. You will work with your team to identify the tasks or elements of your project. Ultimately, the project should produce a tangible outcome that benefits both the organization and the students while being academically rigorous and assessable.
Non-compliance with the word limit (+ or - 10%) will affect your marks. Too few words will mean you are unable to do your topic proper justice. Too many words may mean you have not been discerning enough in your material selection or did not write it succinctly enough. Your completed assignment must be uploaded through LMS and is subject to review using the plagiarism software Urkund.
An understanding of the host organisation and the significance of the project.
Evidence of critical thinking surrounding the development of your project and an understanding of the theories and research that underpin your project.
A clear description of the proposed project or structured program of work.
Appropriateness of timeline and the likelihood of success.
Clarity of goals, outcomes, and deliverables. Awareness of the learning opportunities and challenges.
• Structure: Clear organization of ideas
Logical flow of the discussion
• Presentation of work:
Grammar and spelling
Legibility and appropriate referencing
Your assessment outcome will be provided to you via the LMS page.