Understanding of the software development life cycle

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Reference no: EM133746821 , Length: word count:2000

Software Project

Learning Outcome 1: Describe and discuss the elements of effective programming style

Demonstrate an understanding of the software development life cycle and apply sound programming analysis techniques (design, coding, debugging, testing and documentation) to justify simple programming problems

Assessment Description

In this project, you will work in groups. These will be formed from Session two's class onward: therefore, it is vital that you attend this class. It is expected that groups work cohesively, constructively, and extensively in their own time. A Group Charter will be issued for all members to agree, sign and work with. Process, structure, and content: This course requires students to demonstrate their capacity to construct and develop a software project. This Assessment is a group-assessment (3 to 4 students), where each student will contribute to the Python project as a collaborative effort among its group members. The group will submit their combined efforts as a single programming code.

Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) refers to the use of computers in education. Write an application to help an elementary school student learn with your application.

Create a function that randomly generates and returns a tuple of two or more positive integers. Use that function's result in your script to prompt the user with a math question (such as: "How much is 6 times 7?"). Varying the computer's responses can help hold the student's attention. Prepare various comments which are displayed for each answer. Possible responses to a correct answer should include 'Very good!', 'Nice work!' and 'Keep up the good work!' Possible responses to an incorrect answer should include 'No. Please try again.', 'Wrong. Try once more.' and 'No. Keep trying.' Allow the user to pick a type of arithmetic problem to study e.g., 1 means addition problems only, 2 means subtraction problems only, 3 means multiplication problems only, 4 means 2 division problems only (avoid dividing by 0) and 5 means a random mixture of all these types.

Assessment Description
Collect data regarding number of exercises correct/incorrect and total exercises per topic. Allow the program to present descriptive statistical information in words/numbers and charts about each student (per user) and all students (all users) using the program.

Allow student to insert one arbitrary string. Save the letters of the string into a list. Design and perform the following tasks and display your results: Summarizing letters in a string. Write a function that receives a string and returns a list of tuples containing the unique letters and their frequencies in the string. Test your function and display each letter with its frequency. Your function should ignore case sensitivity (that is, 'a' and 'A' are the same) and ignore spaces and punctuation. When done, write a statement that says whether the string has all the letters of the alphabet.
Present descriptive statistics and graphs about the string data.
Sorting letters in different order and removing duplicates
Write a code that produces anagrams of a given string.
An anagram of a string is another string formed by rearranging the letters in the first.

Ask your student to rate on a scale of 1 to 5 the quality of 20 products in a store, with 1 being "awful" and 5 being "excellent". Place the 20 responses in a list. 1, 2, 5, 4, 3, 5, 2, 1, 3, 3, 1, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3, 2, 5.

Determine and display the frequency of each rating. Use the built-in functions, statistics module functions and NumPy functions to display the following response statistics: minimum, maximum, range, mean, median, mode, variance, and standard deviation.
Display a bar chart showing the response frequencies and their percentages of the total responses.

Game (4 program + arcade manager or single mix game)
Each member of the group to develop a game based on words or numbers and including descriptive statistics. Combine the best of the group member solutions and create an arcade or single own mix of other games amazing and fun game, which offer other student to either rest or develop their brain skills through play. You can use a List (or another data structure we have covered) to be the environment for your world.

Program Expectations

Each member must be able to explain the working of the programs and its logic. The program should be proper indented, proper comments should be given, variable names and data types should be chosen appropriately. The program should compile and execute to display the result. The student must use programming constructs available in Python and follow coding standards.

Part B - Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate an understanding of the software development life cycle and apply sound programming analysis techniques (design, coding, debugging, testing and deployment). The ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing.

Assessment Description
This course requires students to demonstrate their understanding of the software development life cycle and apply sound programming analysis techniques (design, coding, debugging, testing and deployment). Moreover, this is preparation to help students develop the necessary skills required to explain their project and project status to a target audience and to address any potential query or comment that might arise.

Prepare a single video presentation and present the following:
explain the working of the programs you prepared and submitted as a part A2 Part B,
explain the logic you've used for developing them,
explain indentation, proper comments, variable names, and data types used in programs,
show the programs compiling and execution to display the result.

Students are required to keep a copy of all items submitted or completed for assessment or evaluation until the end of the grade appeal period.

The marking criteria is based on the project video presentation topics:
explain the working of the three programs
explain the process and logic you have used for developing the programs
explain indentation, proper comments, variable names, and data types used in programs
show the programs compiling and execution to display the result.

Reference no: EM133746821

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