Reference no: EM133542652 , Length: word count:2000
International Marketing Strategy and Planning
Learning outcome 1: acquire in-depth understanding of the international marketing strategy formulation process, international market selection and international market entry modes
Learning outcome 2: learn to use a range of frameworks for strategic analysis leading towards the development of an international marketing strategy
Learning outcome 3: acquire an in-depth understanding of the theory and practice of international marketing management for the entire marketing mix of various types of firms
Learning outcome 4: develop an understanding of the cross-cultural issues and international perspectives in marketing
Essay question:
Born global firms seek superior international business performance from the application of knowledge-based resources to the sale of outputs in multiple countries. Discuss what factors enable these firms to succeed in the global market. Provide examples to illustrate your arguments.
The individual assignment is expected to cover the following issues:
1. Referenceto the literature onearly and rapid internationalization among young, entrepreneurial firms and born global.
2. Reference to different case studies (based on secondary source information) to show how the different theories and concepts discussed in the essay relate to the success of born global firms.
The essay (of no more than 2000 words, excluding references) should demonstrate the knowledge and understanding of the literature on the key concepts and theories used to discuss Born Global firms. Students should demonstrate an understanding of internal and external factors that shape born global firms'strategies and performance. At least one case study should be provided to demonstrate how the different theories and concepts discussed in the essay relate to the strategy and performance of the case study. The essay is designed to test the conceptual, analytical and written communication skills of the students.
Essay Structure
• Title page (following the guidelines of EBS).
• Table of contents - Includes all section headings with corresponding page numbers
o List of figures - Titles of all figures presented in the essay with corresponding page numbers
o Listof tables - Titles of all tables presented in the essay with corresponding page numbers
• Introduction - Discusses what the essay is about (i.e. topic); what the essay is for (i.e. purpose); for whom it is written (i.e. situation); and what are its main contents.
• Main body - This will include detailed answers for the main points to be covered by your essay.
• Conclusions- Summarise the main points of your analysis.
• References - Use the appropriate sources for referencing (i.e. journal articles, book chapters, newspaper articles, or online sources). Please, follow the Harvard referencing style.
• Appendices - If it is necessary, secondary information table or summary can be presented as an appendix.
An introduction to the essay should provide information about the focus of your discussion and address your approach of discussing the essay question.
The main section of the Essay should outline the argument(s) that describe your response to theessay question. It might be an idea or notion that is explored in a discursive manner. In this case, the order of the topics being examined forms the structure of the essay argument.
The conclusion should draw together all the previous points of your argument into one general statement, which is then directly related to the topic or the question you have been answering.