Reference no: EM131053684 , Length: word count:2500
Assignment 1-
Task - This assessment will help critical reading and thinking skills from considering the concepts of sustainable tourism and sustainable mass tourism at your case study location.
Please read and critically analyse specified academic literature and answer questions as they apply to your location.
1. Read and review the following academic literature sources located in Topic 2 of the MySCU site for this unit:
-Text - Chapter 2, pages 39-43, section titled 'The Sustainable Destination'
-Reading 2.3 - Weaver, DB 2012, 'Organic, incremental and induced paths to sustainable mass tourism convergence', Tourism Management, vol. 33, pp. 1030-1037.
2. Answer the following questions based on your interpretation and analysis of these sources:
-What is your understanding of the concepts of 'sustainable tourism'? (300 words)
-What is your understanding of the concept of 'sustainable mass tourism'? (300 words)
-Do you think 'sustainable mass tourism' is an appropriate concept for future positioning of destinations? (300 words)
-Apply the terms 'sustainable tourism' and 'sustainable mass tourism' to your case study location to demonstrate their application. (350-400 words)
Your work-
What is your understanding of the concepts of 'sustainable tourism'?
What is your understanding of the concept of 'sustainable mass tourism'?
Do you think 'sustainable mass tourism' is an appropriate concept for future positioning of destinations?
Apply the terms 'sustainable tourism' and 'sustainable mass tourism' to your case study location to demonstrate their application.
-Huffman, A. (2013). Singapore Is Green: Southeast Asian City-State Uses Environmental Sustainability To Lure Business And Investment [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 20 March 2016].
-Harris, R., Williams, P. and Griffin, T. (2012). Sustainable Tourism. 2nd ed., Routledge.
-Jauhari, V. (2014). Managing Sustainability in the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: Paradigms and Directions for the Future. CRC Press.
-Singapore Tourism: Year in Review 2014, (2014) [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 20 March 2016].
-Weaver, D (2012), 'Organic, incremental and induced paths to sustainable mass tourism convergence',Tourism Management, vol. 33, pp. 1030-1037.
Assessment 2: Literature review
You are required to complete a review of academic literature related to the impacts of tourism and your case study location.
1. 'Writing an Annotated Bibliography',
2. Locate, summarise and evaluate five (5) academic journal articles (published between 2000 and 2015) which can be related to positive or negative impacts of tourism and your case study location.
Your literature review should be presented as follows:
- Provide a heading for each academic source with full bibliographic details arranged in alphabetical order, following the Harvard format.
- Provide a brief description of the contents of each source and a critical analysis of each source in addressing Question 5 (Assessment 3).
- Provide a statement on the merit of each source to the case study location (Assessment 3). What is the article about? What are key debates/ideas in the article? How do key debates relate to case study location? What are implications from applying key debates to positive or negative tourism impacts at the location?
Assessment 3: Case study
This assignment requires you to develop a case study showcasing the international tourism system of an international destination location. (Singapore)You will have selected the location singapore The assignment will develop critical thinking, analysis, and information literacy skills to synthesise information related to theories studied in this unit.
The case study should identify the main issues for the destination and contrast these with concepts from at least ten (10) recent and relevant academic literature sources. Assessment 2 (Literature Review) will assist this with additional literature required. You can draw on other sources to support. Be sure to follow the structure and criteria below.
Case study structure-
1. Introduce the location and outline the main themes to be discussed and analysed in the case study. (100 words)
2. Provide analysis of the tourist visitation to your location. Use relevant statistics to support your answer. (350 words)
3. Explain what makes the destination attractive to tourists. Relate to the tourism system, tourism motivation or satisfaction theories introduced in this unit. (250 words)
4. Identify and critically analyse the important issues related to tourism and destination development at the location. (750 words)
5. Identify and critically analyse the negative and positive impacts of tourism activity on the host community at the location. (750 words)
6. Identify and critically discuss four (4) policy implications to achieve sustainable tourism outcomes for the destination. (300 words)
Include a reference list of all references you have cited (using the Summers and Smith (2006) guide) at the end of the case study (the reference list is not included in the word count for this assessment).
2500 words.
12 harvard reference.