Understanding of the concepts from the cmis

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131489261

Final Project

This assignment demonstrates your understanding of the concepts from the CMIS 141 class.

Before attempting this project, be sure you have completed all of the reading assignments, hands-on labs, discussions, and assignments to date.

Design a Java application that will read a file containing data related to the US. Crime statistics from 1994-2013. The description of the file is at the end of this file. The application should provide statistical results on the data including:

a. Population growth in percentages from each consecutive year (e.g. 1994-1995 calculation is ((262803276 - 260327021)/260327021)*100 = 0.9512%, 1995-1996 would be ((265228572 - 262803276)/262803276)*100 = 0.9229%)

b. Years where the maximum and minimum Murder rates occurred.

c. Years where the maximum and minimum Robbery rates occurred.

d. Total percentage change in Motor Vehicle Theft between the years 1998 and 2012.

e. Three (3) additional crime statistics results you add to enhance the application functionality.

The following are some design criteria and specific requirements that need to be addressed:

a. Use command line arguments to send in the name of the US Crime Data file.

b. You should also use Java classes to their full extent to include multiple methods and at least two classes

c. You are not allowed to modify the Crime.csv Statistic data file included in this assignment.

d. Use arrays and Java classes to store the data. (Hint: You can and should create a USCrimeClass to store the fields. You can also have an Array of US Crime Objects.)

e. Your design should include multiple classes to separate the functionality of the application.

f. You should create separate methods for each of the required functionality. (e.g. getMaxMurderYear() will return the Year where the Murder rate was highest. )

g. A user-friendly and well-organized menu should be used for users to select which data to return. A sample menu is shown in run example. You are free to enhance your design and you should add additional menu items and functionality.

h. The menu system should be displayed at the command prompt, and continue to redisplay after results are returned or until Q is selected. If a user enters an invalid menu item, the system should redisplay the menu with a prompt asking them to enter a valid menu selection

i. The application should keep track of the elapsed time (in seconds) between once the application starts and when the user quits the program. After the program is exited, the application should provide a prompt thanking the user for trying the US Crime Statistics program and providing the total time elapsed.

Here is sample run:

java TestUSCrime Crime.csv

********** Welcome to the US Crime Statistical Application ************************** Enter the number of the question you want answered.  Enter 'Q' to quit the program :

1. What were the percentages in population growth for each consecutive year from 1994 - 2013?

2. What year was the Murder rate the highest?

3. What year was the Murder rate the lowest?

4. What year was the Robbery rate the highest?

5. What year was the Robbery rate the lowest?

6. What was the total percentage change in Motor Vehicle Theft between 1998 and 2012?

7. What was [enter your first unique statistic here]?

8. What was [enter your second unique statistic here]?

9. What was [enter your third unique statistic here]?

Q. Quit the program

Enter your selection: 2

The Murder rate was highest in 1994

Enter the number of the question you want answered.  Enter 'Q' to quit the program :

1. What were the percentages in population growth for each consecutive year from 1994 - 2013?

2. What year was the Murder rate the highest?

3. What year was the Murder rate the lowest?

4. What year was the Robbery rate the highest?

5. What year was the Robbery rate the lowest?

6. What was the total percentage change in Motor Vehicle Theft between 1998 and 2012?

7. What was [enter your first unique statistic here]?

8. What was [enter your second unique statistic here]?

9. What was [enter your third unique statistic here]?

Q. Quit the program

Enter your selection: 5

The Robbery rate was lowest in 2013

Enter the number of the question you want answered.  Enter 'Q' to quit the program :

1. What were the percentages in population growth for each consecutive year from 1994 - 2013?

2. What year was the Murder rate the highest?

3. What year was the Murder rate the lowest?

4. What year was the Robbery rate the highest?

5. What year was the Robbery rate the lowest?

6. What was the total percentage change in Motor Vehicle Theft between 1998 and 2012?

7. What was [enter your first unique statistic here]?

8. What was [enter your second unique statistic here]?

9. What was [enter your third unique statistic here]?

Q. Quit the program

Enter your selection: Q

Thank you for trying the US Crimes Statistics Program.

Elapsed time in seconds was: 32

The google recommended Java style guide, provided as link in the week 2 content, should be used to format and document your code. Specifically, the following style guide attributes should be addressed:

  • Header comments include filename, author, date and brief purpose of the program.
  • In-line comments used to describe major functionality of the code.
  • Meaningful variable names and prompts applied.
  • Class names are written in UpperCamelCase.
  • Variable names are written in lowerCamelCase.
  • Constant names are in written in All Capitals.
  • Braces use K&R style.

Reference no: EM131489261

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