Understanding of principles of managing business operations

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM132443342

Paper: Design of a product, service or process An insights paper gives you the opportunity to explore perceptions you gained from this course.

This assignment reflects the accurate and deep understanding of the principles of managing business operations.

Specific requirements: The use of this assignment is to energize you to be creative and innovative.

May be one of these insights may lead you to your MBA final project.

You should identify the need for this design, and proceed to outline aspects of feasibility that lead to the desired utility of the object of the design. You should not write theory, but only reflect on it.

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The report consist of a creative and innovative product design that provides and opportunity for the visually impaired individuals to navigate safely both outdoor and indoors.The report highlights the concept of Smart walking stick with various sensors and GPS system and states its feasibility and need in the market.

Reference no: EM132443342

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