Understanding of object oriented concepts

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM133128770



This project requires students to create an Object Oriented design and coded solution for a chosen application, using all the concepts taught in the subject.

You may choose to complete this assessment with at most one (1) other person. To work as a pair; you and your partner MUST be in the same tutorial class. You will need to spend approx. 10 hours together working on the assessment (outside of tutorial hours). If you do not intend to spend this time working together - choose to complete the assessment on your own. Both partners must put in an equal amount of work and effort, or the group will be dissolved by the tutor.

Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate a working knowledge of lists in Java.
Learning Outcome 2: Judge if a solution is well-designed.
Learning Outcome 3: Design a good OO solution from a specification.
Learning Outcome 4: Use inheritance in Java.


This is a take home assessment to evaluate your understanding of object oriented concepts taught so far in IAPP001. The assessment will be composed of three (4) parts: the scenario, the design, the code and explanation (including proof of testing).

The scenario: (200 words)

You will decide on the topic for your project. You should choose a business for example, a café.

You will write the basic usecases for the business, including identifying the major functionality the application must provide.

The design: (200 words)

You will create a simplified class diagram for your application, which shows the attributes/methods for each class and the inheritance. You should aim to have between 6 and 8 classes for your application. The classes should be: Main/driver class, parent class (at least 1), enum, child classes (at least 2), group class (at least 1).

You will explain how your design will provide the needed functionality for the application. The code:

You will write the code for the application using the design. Make sure you follow the guidelines setout in the subject eg use camelCase for objects, LetterCase for classes, all classes have toString(). Public mutators should be used sparingly etc

Your solution will need to use either interface or implementation inheritance (or both); overloading, overriding, menus with recursion and for each loops.
The explanation: (300 words)

You will explain the code you wrote and any problems you encountered and how you fixed them. At minimum you need to identify :
All inheritance - including why inheritance was used in this/these class(es) All overloaded methods - why overloading was used in each case
All overriding methods - why overriding was used in each case
All enum classes - why enum was used in each case
Any polymorphism - how it affected the code

Note: the assignment has to be done on Blue J.

Reference no: EM133128770

Questions Cloud

Determine the contract value and initial margin : Assuming you are required to pay initial margin of RM8000/contract and maintain 85% of it, Determine the contract value, initial margin and maintenance margin
What amount does the firm need to deposit today : Kelowna Inc. reports a $67,500 liability to be paid four years from today. What amount does the firm need to deposit today if the account earns 5 percent rate
Calculate the gross profit ratios for Gap Inc : Cost of goods sold and occupancy expenses were $9,292 and $8,776 at the end of fiscal years 2015 and 2014, Calculate the gross profit ratios for Gap Inc
Compute the earnings per share for limited brands : Suppose the following information (in millions of dollars) is available for a recent year: sales revenue $9,400. Compute earnings per share for limited brands
Understanding of object oriented concepts : Demonstrate a working knowledge of lists in Java and Design a good OO solution from a specification - Evaluate your understanding of object oriented concepts
Discuss the reporting requirements : Discuss the reporting requirements in accordance with AASB108 'Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors'. If necessary
How much will sales increase : Sales is in Units of $1000.00 and Advertising is in Units of $100. If $100 is spent on advertising, how much will sales increase
How much is the goodwill : The fair value of the identifiable net assets of XYZ Inc. on January 1, 2021 is 4,000,000. How much is the goodwill
Determine the fair value of net assets acquired : Half of the 4,000,000 agreed consideration shall be paid on January 1,2021 and the other half on December 31, 2025. Determine fair value of Net Assets acquired



4/20/2022 4:42:44 AM

Hi! I need help with my programming assignment. I’ll attach the brief, please let me know if you can help. Please just show the very basic elements of the program. Note : the assignment has to be done on Blue J.

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