Understanding of managerial concepts

Assignment Help Management Theories
Reference no: EM133007343

MGT600 Management, People and Teams

Learning Outcome 1: Critically assess the key principles and theories underlying management to achieve high-performing organisations at projects, teams, and individual levels.

Learning Outcome 2: Critically evaluate and reflect on effective relationships between people and teams in organisations and projects.

Assessment Task

This assessment requires you to explore and critically discuss the models, concepts, and theories presented in Modules 1.1, 1.2, and 2.1 and their practical application through your experiences and observations by contributing to a group discussion and then submitting an individual critical discussion report.

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.

Successful managers take a 360-degree view of their environment and are cognisant of opportunities to learn and apply ideas from other industries and disciplines. The first three sub-modules (Modules 1.1, 1.2, and 2.1) of this subject serve to orient you to the varying roles and contexts in which managers must operate and introduces foundational skills in managing people and teams. This assessment is designed for you to demonstrate not only an understanding of managerial concepts but also their practical application. In doing so, you will demonstrate critical thinking and evaluative skills as well as effective communication skills required in a virtual environment.

1. Group Formation
At the beginning of the trimester, you will be placed in a group of 3-4 students by the Learning Facilitator. Your group will be a forum for sharing thoughts, experiences, and research in relation to the learning activities in the Modules 1.1, 1.2, and 2.1.

Note: Although the Assessment 1 is an individual assessment, it is important to build relationships with your group members. This is because you will work with the same group for Assessment 2. Introduce yourself to your group with an introductory post. It will also help to have a virtual meeting to get to know each other.

2. Complete Learning Activities in Modules 1.1, 1.2, and 2.1
You are required to individually complete the following learning activities:

Module 1.1 Learning Activity 2: Environment Analysis and Actions for Managers
Module 1.2 Learning Activity 1: Comparing Operational Management and Project Management Module 2.1 Learning Activity 1: Communication Styles

Each of these learning activities requires you to post responses (of 250 words) into the group discussion forum in Blackboard.

You are also required to comment (using 100-200 words) on the posts made by fellow group members contributing to their discussion by sharing your practical experiences, observations, and research.

Please refer to Modules 1.1, 1.2, and 2.1 Learning Activities section for more information about completing these learning activities.

3. Critical Discussion Report
You are required to submit an individually written critical discussion report of 750 words in MS Word (.doc or .docx) format, addressing the following questions:

• How are the topics covered in Modules 1.1, 1.2, and 2.1 relevant to you?
• How did your perceptions and experiences differ from those of the other group members?
• What have you learnt and how will you apply this in the future? If you are currently working or have previous work experience, you may discuss how you would manage situations differently based on your learnings.

4. Report Structure
Please structure your report as follows:

• Cover sheet: With student details (student name, ID number, subject code & name, assessment number and title)
• Introduction: Outline the context, purpose, and structure of your report (5-10% of word count)
• Main discussion section: Answer each of the questions above (80-90% of word count)
• Conclusion: Provide a summary of the report (5-10% of word count)
• Reference list
• Appendices

Please note that this is a short report with a word limit of 750. Therefore, it is important that you make use of tables, figures, and diagrams as these are not part of your word count.

5. You will be assessed against the assessment rubric below and your level of insight and application of knowledge from Modules 1.1, 1.2, and 2.1.

It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.

Attachment:- Management, People and Teams.rar

Reference no: EM133007343

Questions Cloud

Achieving a common goal : Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal.
Strategy of employers engagement : Use Meaningfulness of work, put forward the strategy of employers engagement decrease for the company (at least 4 academic references).
Compute what is net realizable value of accounts receivable : Actual accounts written off during year were $27,000. What is net realizable value of accounts receivable that would be reported on the financial statements?
Assess the viability of an outsourcing option : As part of their management team, you have been asked to assess the viability of an outsourcing option. Critically examine outsourcing as an employment option i
Understanding of managerial concepts : Understanding of managerial concepts but also their practical application. In doing so, you will demonstrate critical thinking and evaluative skills
Explain lou landing unceremonious dumping : How do you explain Lou Landing's unceremonious dumping from XYZ's and his warm welcome at B&B's?
What legal considerations must be implemented : What legal considerations must be implemented when a support worker is going to drive a client in a car?
What proportion of net income do recommend : You immediately advise against such an offer, suggesting instead a proportion of net income before manager compensation. Why do you advise against?
Explore the creation of a succession plan : You decide to be proactive and explore the creation of a succession plan, and the potential sources of new employees to fill your imminent vacancies.


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