Understanding of leadership theories and best practices

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133215680

Objective: Where do you go from here and how do you get there?

The goal of this is to provide you with a strong academic understanding of leadership theories and best practices - but an academic understanding will only take you so far; to be a successful leader, you need to develop your own leadership skills through practice and practical experimentation - spend time to find out what works for you. In this final task, you ar e to reflect on where your leadership journey goes from here.

Please note: the instructor is not looking for an actual personal leadership plan - this assignment only asks for the the process that yo u would follow to develop your own leadership plan.

Writing a personal leadership plan can be a personal endeavor, and as such, this assignment does notask you to go through the personal insightful journey of writing your own personal leadership plan - instead, to comple te this assignment, you will simply need to develop a process for creating your leadership plan.

Your personal leadership plan development process should include the following types of information:

- Identify what the major steps are (the process) that you will need to take in developing your own personal leadership plan

- Identify the types of information that you will need to consider at each step in the process when producing your personal leadership plan

- Identify any techniques that might be helpful in clarifying your personal leadership plan

The plan should be written as a sequential process that describes the full range of activities, from where you are today to where you want your leadership skills to be in the future.

Reference no: EM133215680

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