Understanding of implementing database from design

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132662043

CIDM 6350 Data and Information Management - West Texas A & M University

Assignment: Design (ERD) to Database and SQL

Objective: Assess your understanding of implementing Database from Design (ERD) by creating and running SQL scripts with the needed SQL commands

Skills needed: given a system ERD Design and tables of sample data, you'll need to Know how to write and run SQL commands to:

1- Create Schema
2- Create Tables with attributes (columns/fields) and selecting suitable data types for the attributes 3- Add Primary Keys to tables
4- Map relationships between tables using Foreign Keys
5- Write SQL INSERT INTO statements to add data tables

Requirements & Submission:

1. You need to submit TWO MySQL script files:
a) SQL script file (NSLStructure.sql) contains all your SQL DDL to create the schema and the tables of the given system
b) SQL script file (DataInputs.sql) contains INSERT INTO statement to add the given data to your database
2. You must use only the given data for the DataInputs Script in part 1.b above.
3. You must include your name at the beginning of each SQL script as a commented Line
4. Submit on WTClass ("Resources >> Assignments >> Assignment#2)
5. You can use either MySQL command line or Workbench to create and run your scripts
6. You must use the file names above for your scripts,
7. Each script should run without errors. I'm going to use an automated process to test your scripts, and you will be responsible of any issues that prevent your script from running properly.


Using The following physical (implementation) ERD model of the NSL database system described in assignment #1:

1. Create MySQL script file contains SQL DDL commands to implement this NSL database. Name the script file NSLStructure.sql.

2. Create another MySQL script file contains SQL INSERT INTO commands to add the data form the tables below into the corresponding database tables. Name the script file DataInputs.sql

Attachment:- Design ERD to Database and SQL.rar

Reference no: EM132662043

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