Understanding of buyer behaviour concepts

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132112835

BUSINESSES TO WORK ON: Any Melbourne city or suburban patisserie. Suggested patisseries are: Brunetti, Laurent, Hopetoun Tea Room, Ko Ko Black or Lindt Café. No Starbucks Coffee or Gloria Jeans)

You will work on your selected patisserie for this Written Assignment. In this assignment, you will need to demonstrate your understanding of Buyer Behaviour concepts, models and theories.

Apply Consumers' Behaviour theories on the consumers of the selected patisserie using concepts, models, and theories in the following sections of your assignment:




Apply the appropriate concepts, models and theories of Perception, Learning & Memory, Motivation & Global Values, and Personality & Psychographics to explain the internal influences of a patisserie customer.


Use the appropriate concepts, models and theories of Decision Making to explain how potential customer makes decisions in choosing the patisserie.


Discuss how Groups & Social Media, Social Class & Lifestyles, Culture and Subcultures impact the buyer behaviour of potential customers.



Content should display logic and cite examples and theories. You must include:
- Research using at least 2 academic journal articles
- Carefully select appropriate theories and concepts
- Construct an in-depth and analytical discussion
- Use evidence and examples to support your work
- Write in a clear and logical manner.
- Cite all references using the Harvard referencing system
- Prepare and format a reference list.

Attachment:- Consumer Behaviour.rar

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Consumer behaviour is the study of how individual customers, groups or organizations select, buy, use, and dispose ideas, goods, and services to satisfy their needs and wants. It refers to the actions of the consumers in the marketplace and the underlying motives for those actions. Marketers expect that by understanding what causes the consumers to buy particular goods and services, they will be able to determine—which products are needed in the marketplace, which are obsolete, and how best to present the goods to the consumers.

Reference no: EM132112835

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9/14/2018 4:45:39 AM

Report: 25 % - Assignment will be assessed on the following: Criteria Marks 25% Quality and breadth of analysis applying the concepts, models and theories of ‘Consumers as Individuals’ to the patisserie. /5 Quality and breadth of analysis applying the concepts, models and theories of ‘Consumers as Decision Makers’ to the patisserie. /5 Quality and breadth of analysis applying the concepts, models and theories of ‘Consumers as Sub-Cultures’ to the patisserie. /5 Creativity and continuity in how well your report holds together /2 Spelling and grammar /3 Presentation of the report in proper format including proper referencing of the sources using the Harvard referencing style /5 TOTAL /25


9/14/2018 4:45:29 AM

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