Understanding of breadth and depth of logistics function

Assignment Help Supply Chain Management
Reference no: EM13992853

Word or Excel spreadsheet:

Columns A-C and rows 1-8 + references The CEO expects you to be providing a number of various logistics reports and recommendations to her.

She has asked you to prepare a chart on 1-2 pages of frequently used logistics techniques.

To demonstrate your understanding of the breadth and depth of the logistics function, research the following terms, and for each of the 8 terms, complete the following:

Provide a definition, in your own terms.

Give an example of a real company or industry that uses this logistics technique.

1. Distribution center

2. Public warehouse

3. Third-party logistics

4. Common carrier

5. Dedicated private fleet

6. Backhauls

7. Deadheading

8. Freight equalization Provide citations and references to support your information.

Verified Expert

The assignment contains the definition of Logistic techniques, the pros and cons of 8 elements, the example of a company with one one the element (Freight forwarding operations) and a flow chat diagram + references.Since there was no elaboration on excel work, the assignment has been done with best of my knowledge. Words:- 1000 Font face:- Times New Roman Font size:- 12 References:- APA format

Reference no: EM13992853

Questions Cloud

A precise definition of the input : In programming, a precise definition of the input; how the system should behave and how the output should be produced
Used to resolve hardware failures : Used to resolve hardware failures by having computers perform computations of a safety critical system and make decisions based on majority vote; in databases, duplicated information
How thick would a layer of polyurethane : To give such insulation, how thick would a layer of (a) polyurethane foam and (b) silver have to be? The thermal conductivity of polyurethane foam is 0.024 W/mK, and the thermal conductivity of silver is 428 W/mK.
What strategies can be used to increase ticket sales : Describe how they can find out what their target customers are looking for in merchandise related to the tour.
Understanding of breadth and depth of logistics function : Example of a real company or industry that uses this logistics technique - Distribution center and Public warehouse, Third-party logistics
A fixed quantum of information packaged together : A fixed quantum of information packaged together with an IP address and other data for sending information over the internet
Calculate the decay constant : A radioactive isotope has a half-life of 8.00 min and an initial decay rate of 8000 Bq. Calculate the decay constant. Enter your answer in units 1/s.
Discuss the methods of support or treatment : Describe how sex/sexuality and power are used as it relates to your topic and the theories behind it. Discuss the methods of support or treatment as it relates to your topic
The collection of internet-connected computers : The collection of Internet-connected computers that translate domain addresses into IP addresses


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