Understanding by adapting to the language

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Reference no: EM133608332


In order to stay oriented the client's world, all counselors need to deeply understand their clients and to reinforce this understanding by adapting to the language that they use.

Reference no: EM133608332

Questions Cloud

How can erickson psychosocial stages of development : How can Erickson Psychosocial stages of development be used to address this case study?
Describe conservation according to piaget : Describe "conservation" according to Piaget, and explain why the Pre-Operational child is unable to understand the concept at that stage.
What are the benefits of classification system : What are the benefits of a classification system? What are the downsides or possible alternatives?
Larsen and buss note that personality interacts : Larsen and Buss note that personality interacts with the situation to produce behavior and that this interaction includes perceptions, selections, evocations,
Understanding by adapting to the language : All counselors need to deeply understand their clients and to reinforce this understanding by adapting to the language that they use.
Decent moral person to be social worker : Respond to Social Work competencies come into play because you have to be a decent moral person to be a social worker.
What are examples of formative and summative assessments : Why is it important to use a variety of assessment types, and what are examples of formative and summative assessments for your content area?
Real life and from laboratory experiments : What is the evidence , both from " real life " and from laboratory experiments , that eyewitness testimony is not always accurate ?
Participants complete baseline mirror drawing task : She has her participants complete a baseline mirror drawing task, administers the drug, and then has them complete the task again.


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