Reference no: EM133301558
Assignment - Report on Simulation
Learning outcome 1: Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical appreciation of theories in the MBA toolkil to challenge existing preconceptions and develop positive and enquiring approaches to management and enterprise
Learning outcome 2: Demonstrate intelment practice by imaginatively and cnticaly integrating theory and pract ce. stipulating areas of excellence and reflecting on areas for development to improve performance in a dynamic competitive environment
The assessment strategy supports the emphasis on exponential and enquiry-based learning in progressively supporting the effective integration of theory and practice to facilitate your transition into the professional work environment. You will participate in a competitive business game designed to simulate a realistic management situation. You will engage in the simulation as part of a group and as team of Directors', over successive periods you will monitor the performance of your own business and the competition, adjusting your strategic and tactical decisions accordingly.
The performance of your loam and the final outcome wet depend on how effectively you apply theory in practice to support critical analysis and evaluation In context. Your arm is to enact informed problem solving and identify opportunities as a result of your dear decision making. You will need to draw extensively on theories and techniques from your MBA toolkit through taught units. including specific questions regarding your vision, mission, objectives, strategic planning, decision making and key take-always such as:
Strategic Management Marketing
Human Resource Management Performance management
Operations Management and Finance
will need to be addressed as a minimum and you will also have the opportunity to highlight other areas of your own Choice
You wit be assessed on an individual report. This demands in-depth critical analysis and evaluation of theory in practice leading to dear conclusions and feasible recommendations. Your individual report should be 3,000 (4- 10%) words and COver:
1. On the effectiveness of your individual performance in making team decisions
2. Consider. hew theory which you have learnt on the course was demonstrated both in your decisions and hew as a team your foal recommendations emerged
Your report must be fully supported by directly relevant quality academic sources in demonstrating the integration between the theoretical academic frameworks and your strategy, plannog. decision making and overall pedormanco of your organisation during the simulation. A key aspect of the assignment is that you evidence a clear link between the
What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)
There are three things you must do to pass:
I. Show adequate Independence of thought In evaluating the usefulness of theory In practice applied to a live consultancy project or a simulated task of running a business, monitoring performance and adjusting decisions In the light of the success or failure in a competitive environment
2. Demonstrate adequate appraisal of the complexity of management in the implementation of strategic decisions
3. Research. select and use creatively appropriate business and management theory to manage and complete a project in the context of a new situation