Understanding about complex entity relationships

Assignment Help Web Project
Reference no: EM132992132

Assessment: MVC web application - Group Assignment (3-4 students)

Task details:

Sydney hotel offer several types of parties for people. You are appointed as web developer to develop a system to support organizing different types of parties including birthday party, dinner party, business party, cocktail party, etc.

You will design and develop a party management system for Sydney hotel that allows party organizers to create parties. The application should store party types, organizer details for each party, attendee details and their party registrations. The user is able to store several types of parties. The system allows to add details for the organizers and the attendees. The attendees are able to attend several parties. The organizer is able to create multiple party events.

Specific requirements:

Model Design Requirements:
o Design your own entity relationship diagram (ERD) for the classes based on your understanding about complex entity relationships including one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships.
o The web application should store the information of every class and relationship using forms. For example, Person class may have properties such as ID, Name, DOB, etc.
o Justify the entity relationship diagram and the selected classes in the report.
o Use appropriate data annotation and input validations for the html elements in the MVC forms. You can either use customer or default error messages.

Application Requirements:
o Create an ASP.net MVC web application.
o Home page must show group details including student ID and student full names in a table.
o Create model classes that are specific in ERD
o All the pages should have some logo and a navigation menu.
o Use CSS to use your custom design for the web pages.
o The web application must be ready to run without any additional configurations.

Submission requirements details:
1. All source files must be uploaded on Moodle as a zipped File.
2. One person in the groups needs to submit
3. You need to create Readme.txt file and mention the group details

Attachment:- MVC web application.rar

Reference no: EM132992132

Questions Cloud

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