Understanding about basic constructs of c# programming

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132019111


This assessment item relates to the unit learning outcomes as in the unit descriptors. This checks your understanding about basic constructs of C# programming.

Details & Problems

In this assignment, you are required to develop TWO C# Console Programs to demonstrate your ability to use C# constructs including input/output via command line, C# primitive and built-in C# types, C# defined Objects, selection and looping statements, methods and various other C# commands. Your program must produce the correct results.

Create a C# class named RandomGenerator.cs does following functions. You should ask from the user input for display either histogram or the frequency (Hint - Use Switch case or if else).

You can decide on how to create methods however, you should call and test the functions in the TestRandomGenerator.cs.

a. Declare an array of dimension 10 (index 0... 9).
b. Generate 50 Random integers in the range 0 ... 9.
c. Store the number of occurrences (count) in the array appropriately.
d. Print a table that would list the numbers and the number of occurrences.
e. Print an histogram for the above

What to Submit.

You should submit the source codes and a report. Source codes should be names as mentioned above.

> Following source codes you should publish.
- RandomGenerator.cs
- TestRandomGenerator.cs

> The report should contain following headings for each problem.
- Introduction for both the programs
- Flowcharts to depict each application logic
- The test cases
- Screenshots for sample inputs, outputs and errors.

Attachment:- Assignment.rar

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In this assignment, I have generated 50 random numbers within range from 0 to 9 using object of the ‘Random’ class and method ‘Next()’ and then printed the numbers using for loop. After that I stored the number of occurrences of the digits 0 to 9 in another array ‘b’. To find the number of occurrences i.e frequency, i have used the function ‘noc()’ . Lastly, I have created the histogram of the frequency of the digits 0 to 9.

Reference no: EM132019111

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