Understand the organizations capabilities

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13747560 , Length:

Case study - The grounded kangaroo

A. Provide a situational analysis of the company under investigation

- External approaches: Porter
- Internal perspective tool: the resource based approach

B. Discuss the fit between the company strategy and its context.

- Articulate what the current strategy of the organization
- Assess its fit versus context (i.e. the situational analysis from part A)
- Assess its fit versus its core competence and capability

C. Analyse and evaluate the current strategic approach in the organization.

: you may consider a critical evaluation of its current strategy. In evaluating strategy, (i.e. is it successful or not successful), there are numerous approaches you may choose, for example financials, NPV, Balanced scorecard, BCG

D. Discuss the fit between the company strategy and its goals and expectations
: You may consider a measure of ‘strategic fit' against its stated future goals and current performance.

E. Outline the future for the organization you have chosen based on their current situation and strategy

There should be two parts external and internal tools to analysis the organization in order to understand the organization's capabilities, customers and business environment and so on.

These analysis should be written in three steps.

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Reference no: EM13747560

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