Understand the conceptual frameworks

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM13667353

Learning outcomes:

1. Understand the conceptual frameworks and complexity of high-performance working (HPW) and its contribution to sustainable organisation performance.

2. Understand the business case for creating a high-performance work organisation (HPWO).

Assessment brief/activity

Your HR Director is to present a report to Senior Management that puts forward a positive business case for introducing high performance working practices into the organisation. She has asked you to make a contribution and requires you to investigate how, from a people management perspective, these practices can aid the achievements of organisational objectives.

In addressing this brief you will need to:

  • analyse conceptual frameworks of HPW
  • identify and explain the key components of HPW
  • evaluate the link between HPW and sustained organisation performance, competitive advantage and employee wellbeing
  • identify and explain the business case for HPWO, including consideration of short and long term objectives and any potential barriers
  • make reference to academic research and literature and to organisation practice.

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Reference no: EM13667353

Questions Cloud

Depict the scheme of glycolysis : Depict the scheme of glycolysis. Presume that glucose is labeled by C14 at its C-3 atom. Explain at what position of pyruvate molecule does the label take place after glycolysis?
Can you distinguish between powerful interpretations : Can you distinguish between powerful interpretations versus idle speculation or mischief-making. Quite often leadership can be persuaded by a wrong interpretation, so why is that? How do we figure out what is persuasive and what is not?
Explain what is the highest concentration of creatine : Explain what is the highest concentration of creatine that thermodynamically favors for phosphate group to be transferred from phosphocreatine to ADP? Presume T = 310 K.
Evaluate the centripetal acceleration of the car : A car which is traveling at a fix speed of 15.0 m/s, takes 11.0 sec to complete each lap as it travels around a circular track. Evaluate the centripetal acceleration of the car
Understand the conceptual frameworks : Understand the conceptual frameworks and complexity of high-performance working (HPW) and its contribution to sustainable organisation performance.
Current organizational narrative : What would you say is your current organizational narrative? Provide an objective bird"s-eye view of the organization, and then compare this narrative with the narrative that is common to messages from the leadership or in articles, annual reports an..
Determine what is the resistivity of the material : An electrical conductor designed to carry large currents has a circular cross section with a diameter of d and a length of L. Determine what is the resistivity of the material
Compute how many active raf kinases will be produced : Compute how many active Raf kinases will be produced in three seconds after activation of PTK in the absence GAP. Presume that Ras hydrolyses GTP with the rate of 2 molecules/min in the absence of GAP
Explain how many atp molecules are necessary to pump : Explain how many ATP molecules are necessary to pump 100 K+ ions out of a cell when the cytoplasmic concentration of K+ is 5 mM the extracellular concentration 150 mM and the membrane potential is constant - 60 mV


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