Understand important data structures

Assignment Help C/C++ Programming
Reference no: EM132265189

Project Goal:

Using C++, develop a project that uses the various concepts you have learned over the course the term. The purpose of this project is to understand important data structures and learn how to implement them so that improve programming skills as well.

Your program should have some user interface as the front-end and the back end should be linked to a database (Microsoft SQL)

Your final deliverable must be a program to do some type of useful computation. Some previous project examples include: retail management system that keeps track of the daily delivery orders by customers; a clinic reservation system that bookkeeps patient information and manages bookings.

These are ideas to help you find a project, not to restrict you; in other words, if you want to do something substantial and interesting (and has the required features described below), but it does not strictly fall into one of these categories, you may still do that.

Your submission will be graded not just on its functionality, but also on the novelty of the idea and the quality of code, appropriate commenting, etc. It is important to have a novel idea.

Your project must have each of the following features:

1) It must use an efficient algorithm for sorting or searching or both, for some aspect of the project.
2) It must involve multiple linked-list implementations (e.g., stack, queue, etc.).
3) It must involve an implement of the binary tree ADT using a linked-list.
4) It must involve an implementation of the heap and heapsort algorithm.
5) Demonstrate heap construction step by step and output a sorted list based on a heap sort algorithm.
6) You must appropriately comment in the body of your code where each of the above features were implemented.
7) It must include a technical report which describes the problem you are trying to solve by building this system. The report should include the following sections:

I. Abstract
II. Introduction
III. Design
IV. Implementation
V. User Manual (should include steps on how to use the program with screen shots)
VI. Conclusions


You must appropriately comment in the body of your code where each of the above features were implemented.

You will lose significant marks if your project does not include the required features as described above.

To receive full marks on your report, you should have excellent internal documentation (i.e., appropriate comments, but also the choice of variable names), as well as excellent external report.

Verified Expert

The assignment have been prepared using C++ and Mysql. The main purpose of the task is to improve programming skills. Proper implementation , proper algorithm, implementation of binary tree using a linked-list, proper coding have been done. In this task report has also been prepared incorporating all the headings that has been given in the requirement along with the running screenshot of the codes.

Reference no: EM132265189

Questions Cloud

Measuring performance is important in business operations : Explain why measuring performance is important in business operations.Describe origins of Cold War along with major factors and incidents from 1945 through 1973
Present an analysis of the results from your self-completion : Based on your results and strengths, imagine what your leadership legacy would be without further growth.
Identify the organization objectives and policies : Throughout this course you will complete a series of Case Study Applications that will allow you to apply your learning at a deeper, more comprehensive level.
Do you consider commercials to be sales presentations : Do you consider commercials to be sales presentations? Why or why not? Have you ever purchased an item because you saw it on a commercial?
Understand important data structures : Develop a project that uses the various concepts you have learned over the course the term. The purpose of this project is to understand important data
What characterizes a panic attack : What characterizes a panic attack? Why is knowing whether they are expected or unexpected by the individual important from a diagnostic perspective?
Identify sustainable supply chain : Identify Sustainable Supply Chain? Support your work with some referencing and citations
Should states interfere by passing laws in this regard : Discuss the current conflict between women's ability to fill their prescriptions for birth control and emergency contraception and an individual pharmacist's.
Corporate stakeholders are under pressure from investors : Corporate stakeholders are under pressure from investors, shareholders, customers and nonprofits to ensure sustainability is evident



9/2/2019 2:29:53 AM

I have attached the screen shots showing the steps need to be followed and the output need to from the code. The code outputs a blank screen after execution as shown in the document attached. Thanks 32913882_1screen shots with steps and output after running code.docx


3/24/2019 10:56:50 PM

Handing in your project Upload your entire project to eCourse in a zip file. Please include a readme file will have instructions on how to install/run the application and database. I will need a response as to what idea is going to be developed to check if it will qualify as a project idea. Thanks.

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