Criteria reference
To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to:
Task no.
(for student to fill)
Assessor’s Feedback
LO1 Understand buyer behaviour and the purchase decision making
1.1 describe the main stages of the purchase decision making process
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. The key stages of the buyer purchase decision making process
2. The types of buying decisions
3. Dimensions of buyer behaviour
4. The general model of buyer behaviour
1.2 explain theories of buyer behaviour in terms of individuals and markets
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. The importance of understanding buyer behaviour
2. Influences on buyer behaviour
3. Customer and prospect profiling
1.3 explain the factors that affect buyer behaviour
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. The major factors that affect buyer behaviour
2. Social and cultural factors
3. Psychological factors
4. Lifestyle and life cycle factors
1.4 evaluate the relationship between brand loyalty, corporate image and repeat purchasing
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. The influence of brand loyalty and corporate image
2. The importance of repeat purchasing
3. The relationship between repeat purchasing and brand loyalty
4. The relationship between repeat purchasing and corporate image
LO2 Be able to use marketing research techniques
2.1 evaluate different types of market research techniques
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. The need for market research and marketing information
2. The marketing research process
3. Quantitative data, quantitative data analysis, and graphs
4. Qualitative data and qualitative data analysis
5. Interviews and observation techniques
6. Samples and the sampling process
2.2 use sources of secondary data to achieve marketing
research objectives
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. research proposal and objectives
2. Sources of marketing data
3. Primary and secondary sources of data
4. Internal and external sources of data
2.3 assess the validity and reliability of market research
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. The importance of validity and reliability in marketing research
2. The importance of ethics on the conduct of marketing research
3. Market research companies
2.4 prepare a marketing research plan to obtain information in a given situation
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. The research plan and marketing research activities
2. Types of marketing research
3. research data supporting research planning
4. Producing actionable recommendations
5. Evaluating research findings for decision making
LO3 Be able to assess market size and future demand
3.1 assess market size trends within a given market
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. Measuring the market size and assessing market trends
2. Market growth, trends, and forecasts
3. Market segmentation
3.2 plan and carry out a competitor analysis for a given organisation
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. The need for competitor analysis
2. Competitive analysis
3. Market/product profile of competitors
4. Brand and market share of competitors
5. Characteristics of competitors
3.3 evaluate an organisation’s opportunities and threats for a given product or service
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. The need to evaluate the organisation’s opportunities and threats for a given product or service
2. SWOT analysis
3. PEST analysis
LO4 Be able to measure customer satisfaction
4.1 evaluate techniques of assessing customer response
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. The need to assess customer responses and techniques used
2. Defining the customer
3. customer satisfaction
4. Customer service and customer relationship management
4.2 design and complete a customer satisfaction survey
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. measuring customer satisfaction
2. Customer surveys
3. Mystery shopping and product placement
4.3 review the success of a completed survey
Understand and discuss at least one of the following:
1. Customer care
2. Servicer delivery and service promises
3. Handling difficult customers
4. Monitoring and encouraging customer complaints