Reference no: EM133796158
Purpose: The purpose is to write a Literature Review (LR) based on the task details.
Assessment topic: Systematic Literature Review
Task Details: Students need to write a Literature Review (LR) for the selected research title utilising relevant scholarly studies from credible sources such as Google Scholar. Scopus, and the Web of Science database. They need to search for literature, evaluate and select sources, and organise the literature. They need to write the review upon critically synthesising the information from the literature, identify research gaps, define research scope, and significance of their research. This assessment is designed to enhance students' academic writing, their ability to synthesise information, and their skills in critical analysis and research reporting. The response needs to include a minimum of 25 in-text citations and 25 references from credible sources. This task contributes to achieving the learning outcomes listed in table 2.8. Book your online assignment help today!
Research Title Selection I T324
Step 1:
Select one (1) title from the list below (either qualitative or quantitative study). This title will serve as the focus of your research project for preparing the research proposal, and it will remain the same for Assessments 2, 3, and 4.
Step 2:
Choose one theory from the list under the selected title. It is recommended to read relevant articles on Google Scholar to help you decide oIthe most suitable topic and theory for your project.
Step 3:
Based on the selected topic and theory, you can begin working on Assessments 2, 3, and 4.
Exploring Entrepreneurial Mindsets Among International Students in Australia
Choose one theory from the list below as the grounded theory for your qualitative research proposal. Note that selecting a theory is optional for a qualitative study.
- Entrepreneurial Intentions Theory
- Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB)
- Social Cognitive Theory (SCT)
- Human Capital Theory
- Resource-Based View (RBV)
- Institutional Theory
- Cultural Dimensions Theory
- Effectuation Theory
- Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Theory
- Examining the Effect of Remote Work on Employee Productivity in
- Australian Companies
Select one theory from the list below as the underpinning theory for your quantitative research proposal. Choosing a theory is MANDATORY for a quantitative study. If you'd like to use a different theory from the literature that is not listed here, you are welcome to do so.
- Self-Determination Theory (SDT)
- Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model
- Expectancy Theory
- Social Exchange Theory
- Conservation of Resources (COR) Theory
- Goal-Setting Theory
- Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)
- Equity Theory
- Transactional Model of Stress and Coping
- Boundary Theory
- Self-Efficacy Theory
- Work Design Theory