Underlying geospatial analysis

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Reference no: EM132797227

CIS7030 Geospatial Analysis - Cardiff Metropolitan University

Assessment - Mapping Global GDP

Learning Outcome 1: Demonstrate an understanding of concepts underlying geospatial analysis and apply them on real life data.
Learning Outcome 2: Carry out social analytics in combination with geospatial data, applying appropriate techniques on social information.
Learning Outcome 3: Design, prototype and implement geospatial applications.
Learning Outcome 4: Identify and describe emerging technologies and research areas relevant to geospatial analytics.

Review on different techniques used for geospatial analysis and social media information analysis
Please perform a detailed review on the following applications,
- Open Street Map
- Twitter
- GeoPandas

You are free to use the available resources (academic papers, articles, official documentation etc.) for your research however the sources must be cited appropriately. Your review should cover the following aspects of each application,
- Brief introduction
- Functionality
- Common use in different areas (business, social study, public health etc.)
- Strengths and limitations

Report on the importance of geospatial analysis in different areas and how these areas are benefiting from geospatial analysis.

Among the prominent areas of applications for geospatial analysis - Sustainable Development, Public Safety, Health & Human Services, Transportation, and Education choose any THREE areas. Write a report, explaining current state, what are the challenges, what solutions are available and the future direction

Apply geospatial visualisation tool (e.g. GeoPandas) on the dataset provided

This task requires you to use the two datasets (world population and world GDP) accessed from the World Bank. Both of these datasets are available on the Moodle under the Assessment folder. Use the GeoPandas or similar visualisation tool to plot a set of choropleth maps representing the world GDP per capita for the years 1995, 2005, and 2015 respectively. This task requires you to use both the datasets simultaneously for calculating the GDP per capita.

The solution for this task should describe all the major steps taken for generating the choropleth maps. If a Python based tool like GeoPandas is used then the solution should be in a Jupyter notebook form (.ipynb), wherein all the functions, libraries and coding steps should be explained in a lucid manner. In this case, the major steps for generating the choropleths would typically involve, importing the datasets using appropriate Python libraries, data cleaning, geospatial operations, and plotting. The Jupyter notebook should be able to reproduce the choropleth maps without any error. If some other non-Python based visualisation tools are used, then the solution for this task should include a written description about the major steps undertaken for generating the choropleth maps as well as an appropriate number of supporting screenshots should also be presented.

Analyse the datasets and answer specific questions. For plotting within this section, you can use any visualisation tool.

• For year 2015, plot the GDP per capita for only the countries having population greater than 300000000. Very briefly interpret the generated plot.
• For year 2015, plot the GDP per capita for only the countries having population less than 70000000. Very briefly interpret the generated plot.
• For year 2015, plot the GDP per capita for only the countries having gross GDP between 450000000000 US Dollar and 8920000000000 US Dollar. Very briefly interpret the generated plot.
• What is the percentage change in the GDP per capita from 1995 to 2015, for the country having the highest population in 2015?
• Plot the mean per capita GDP (from 1995 to 2015) of all the countries. Very briefly interpret the generated plot.
• Present a correlation plot between mean population of each country and mean per capita GDP (from 1995 to 2015). Very briefly interpret the generated plot.

Social analytics

In this task, you will apply sentiment analysis to Twitter data using the Python libraries TextBlob and Tweepy. Your analysis should cover the following major steps:
• Get 500 tweets on the topic, #Lockdown or #CovidLockdown with a Python script.
• Clean the tweets. Such as, removal of URLs from the tweets.
• Calculate the polarity values of the individual tweets and present them using a suitable visualisation such as, histogram.
• Analyse the public sentiments about the chosen topic (#Lockdown or #CovidLockdown) based upon the polarity values and make your recommendation about any future lockdown measures based upon the performed analysis.

The solution for the Task 2.3 should include a Jupyter notebook (.ipynb) describing all the major steps performed during the analysis. All the functions, libraries and coding steps should be explained in a lucid manner. The notebook should run without any error and all the results should easily be reproducible. Your interpretation about the results and recommendation for any future lockdown measures should also be contained in this Jupyter notebook.

Attachment:- Geospatial Analysis.rar

Reference no: EM132797227

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2/13/2021 2:32:52 AM

We need to do all PARTS Part 2 is main for as it carries 60% marks Please take care of this As per Guidelines also please mention if you have used the Twitter developer account , if so did you get keys

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