Underlying competing policies/interests

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Reference no: EM1333606

1) To understand the law and how it is applied in any given case, often is a question of understanding the underlying competing policies/interests at work. Often it is a balancing test that is used by the Courts to determine the final outcome of a particular fact situation. Please discuss your understanding of this and provide examples of what is meant by this.

2) A capitalist market economy is based in part on the concept of freedom of contract. There are limitations developed by the common law and statutory laws on this. In the context of adhesion contracts, unconscionable contracts or employment law contracts (terminable at will), discuss the pros and cons of this issue and what implications this has for business law.

Reference no: EM1333606

Questions Cloud

Explain how many years would it take to reduce : Explain how many years would it take to reduce the unemployment rate by 3 percentage points, assuming that the current GDP growth rate will continue into the future.
A potential customer and purchase : How would you know if a potential customer is ready to buy?
Emphasizes customer interaction : A type of process flowchart that emphasizes customer interaction and service-related terms is known as:
Elucidate what could coca cola do to mitigate : Elucidate what could Coca Cola do to mitigate any undesirable effects of business cycles.
Underlying competing policies/interests : To understand the law and how it is applied in any given case, often is a question of understanding the underlying competing policies/interests at work.
A potential risk of projects : Which of the following is not a potential risk of projects?
Explaining organizations strategy follow its culture : Does an organizations culture follow its strategy or does an organizations strategy follow its culture?
Elucidate who decides whether these particular products : Elucidate who decides whether these particular products should continue to be produced and offered for sale. How do these decisions differ between capitalist and socialist systems.
Multiple choice questions : The ratio of a firm's monthly output to the number of labor hours used in the same month would be a measure of:


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