Undergraduate business major

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Reference no: EM13769177

Write a outline for me. The course work and career options of an undergraduate business major". You do not have to follow my sub topic in "my topic", you can write by yourself.

Write the research paper for me.

Here is paper requirement:

Focus: You will develop an in-depth look at a career or college major, concentrating on what is needed to achieve this career, the nature of the work, and the impact that can be made from this work.

Nature of research: You will analyze multiple sources to understand the nature of the work and/or area of study, including a focus on how it connects to your own experiences, talents, and personality traits.

The purpose of the research outline is to organize the research that you have conducted into a format that will eventually become the final paper.  Once you have identified your sub-topics in Pt. I, and generated your research notecards in Pt. II, developing your research outline should be relatively simple.


1.  Opening statement, question, or quote designed to grasp the reader's attention.

2. Educate the reader by providing important background information on the Topic.

3. Present your Essential Question along with a very basic description of what the reader will be reading.

II. Body:

In the body, you must divide the Essential Question into sub-topics and structure their paragraphs accordingly.

1.  Topic Sentence for sub-topic #1

                a.) Support w/citations

                b.) Support w/citations

                c.) Support w/citations

                d.) Support w/citations

                e.) Conclusion sentence that provides flow into the next paragraph

2.  Topic Sentence for sub-topic #2

                a.) Support w/citations

                b.) Support w/citations

                c.) Support w/citations

                d.) Support w/citations

                e.) Conclusion sentence that provides flow into the next paragraph

3.  Topic Sentence for sub-topic #3

                a.) Support w/citations

                b.) Support w/citations

                c.) Support w/citations

                d.) Support w/citations

                e.) Conclusion sentence that provides flow into the next paragraph

*Repeat steps according to the number of sub-topics that are identified.

III. Conclusion:

                1.  Summarize main points.

                2.  If appropriate, describe your own feelings on the research.

                3.  Provide closure for the reader.

Reference no: EM13769177

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