Under the first point forecast demand for resources

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM132225536

Based on my analysis as shown below, what could be recommended as an action plan for the company to follow.

Some problems:

1. Need for HRP Structure

2. Unfair Hiring Practices

3. Discipline issues

4. Training and development (includes career planning)

The Human Resource Planning Process is not well developed at Family Medical, for example, Family Medical must start with the first step of HRP: Forecast demand for resources. Under the first point Forecast demand for resources.

Although the case does not explicitly discuss a strategic plan for the company, the strategic plan commits the organization to objectives such as growth rates, markets, new products/ New Ventures—which determine the numbers and types of employees needed. The company should center on issues such as turnover—need to differentiate between functional and dysfunctional turnover, budget for changes in government (federal and provincial spending), Technological challenges—which can impact supply and demand and Competitors—actions of competitors influence employment levels, we see that 4 formal complaints of unfairness about the hiring practices have been submitted at Family Manufacturing- positions were filled by former employees of King Manufacturing (Mark Olsen's former employer).

On the issue of turnover – the case indicates that several staff members have left the company through terminations and voluntary resignations within the past two years.

Secondly, with the reports of less than stellar recruitment practices, I see the issue of discrimination coming up. Discrimination is defined as “a showing of partiality or prejudice in treatment; specific action or policies directed against the welfare of minority groups” (Schwind et al., 2016), especially, Systemic (indirect or unintentional) discrimination- Any company policy, practice, or action that is not openly or intentionally discriminatory, but that has an indirectly discriminatory impact or effect (Schwind et al., 2016).

Thirdly, the aforementioned complaints illustrate the issue of Employment Equity. Human resource plans must reflect the organization’s employment equity goals. And recruiting must ensure that all types of applicants are sought. Selection must include screening devices that must be job-relevant and non-discriminatory.

Forth, another issue this case raises is the nature of justice and discipline in at Family Medical Companies, for example, Dorothy Haffrey was terminated after 16 years of service. Family Medical must have minimum standards of fairness and implied obligations for decision-making: for example, the right for Dorothy Haffrey to have a fair hearing, the right to a bias-free proceeding, the right to present the opposing argument, etc.  

Firth, the case also touches on Recruitment – defined as is the process of finding and attracting capable individuals to apply for employment and to accept a job offer if/when one is made to them. The case generates discussion between internal and external recruitment. The company must understand that a reason for poor/bad morale (leading to possible turnover) of employees is because they are not promoted from within (weakness of internal recruitment).

Finally, a problem both Bill and Nancy are facing is that they need to come up with a sound recruitment process. Nancy must consider Family Medical Company’s overall plan to fill existing and future vacancies, including decisions on whether to fill internally or by recruiting from outside. She must understand Organizational Policies on hiring e.g.,- promote-from-Within Policies, this gives present employees the first opportunity for job openings and facilitates their career growth. Or Compensation Policies- recruiters seldom have the authority to exceed stated pay ranges and Employment Status Policies.

Reference no: EM132225536

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