Reference no: EM133137634 , Length: word count:2000
UMKC8M-15-M Customer Relationship Management - University of the West of England Bristol
Assessment Instructions
It is an individual business report that requires students to analyse a company of their choice using customer relationship management theories/models to identify problems/issues and make short/medium/long term recommendations on solutions to recover from them. Theories, concepts and models can be those taught on the course or from extra reading. The assignment should be presented formally using the guide provided later in the assessment brief under the formatting section.
Alongside this you will have a chance to gain feedback on your ideas in the shape of a proposal (maximum 500 words) that you can submit to your tutor during Study Unit 5 (See module handbook for further information). This is a onetime opportunity and no further proposals will be accepted and commented on after this week. This work will not be marked but will help to develop your final submission.
The assessment is designed to enable students to demonstrate the ability to:
Question 1. Analyse a real business situation and unravel a customer relationship based problem
Question 2. Apply relevant academic concepts to the real-world situation to enhance the understanding of it
Question 3. Reach justifiable conclusions about the real-world situation on the basis of analysis and application of relevant academic concepts
Question 4. Make short term, medium term and long term recommendations which follow logically from the analysis application and conclusions reached
Question 5. Communicate effectively through a written business report
Question 6. Assimilate information from a range of sources such as Academic Journals, trade press and other reports.
The following criteria will be used in evaluating this assessment:
1. Analyse the issue (only one)using relationship marketing theory, so that the organisation's understanding of it/them is enhanced. This will provide a clear indication of your intellectual abilities, notably your ability to analyse a situation, critically evaluate sources of information, and come to justifiable conclusions.
2. Produce clear recommendations for the organisation in how to deal with the relationship management issue based upon the treatment. Recommendations should be clearly derived from the treatment you've made. Where there are resource implications of the recommendations or specific activities that need to be undertaken as part of them, you should consider these as well.
3. Produce a comprehensive plan that covers how the recommendations will be monitored over an extensive period of time, who will be responsible for this as well as the actions that may need to be taken in order to correct any issues
4. Present an integrated, structured, well-written and grammatically correct report. This is about being more than just cosmetically pleasing. Your report should clearly show the progression of the thought throughout and ensure that arguments are internally consistent. The integration of tasks will be evident in the extent to which the research activity is appropriate for the strategic issues, and the conclusions and recommendations derive from the treatment - essentially how well it all hangs together.
Attachment:- Customer Relationship Management.rar