Reference no: EM132198753
1. In literature, the process of "explication" can be accurately described as:
The use of profanity in literary piece.
A brief, concise overview of a literary work.
A line-by-line or episode-by-episode commentary on what is going on in a text -- literally, an unfolding or spreading out -- in which one reveals one's sense of the meaning of the work and its structure.
The rewording of a literary work to make it more accessible to one's readers.
2. In poetry, the speaker or narrator in a poem is almost always identical with the author.
3. Which of the following are typical characteristics of a Shakespearean sonnet?
All of these.
The rhyme scheme is usually abab cdcd efef gg.
It is also known as an English sonnet.
It has fourteen lines, which are structured thus: three quatrains followed by a couplet.
4. Assonance can be defined as the repetition of identical vowel sounds followed by differing consonant sounds in words that are proximate to one another. Consonance, on the other hand, is the repetition of identical consonant sounds, usually with different vowel sounds.
5. Which of the following is a good example of personification?
The girl crept down the hallway like a cat stalking a tiny ferret.
Her hair glistened in the delicate morning light, like nose hairs after a healthy sneeze.
Memory, that exquisite blunderer.
A big, burly man shouted, "Don't do that!"
6. The last two lines of "Sonnet 73" could be most accurately referred to as:
a tercet.
a couplet.
a strong example of onomatopoeia.
free verse.
7. Line 6 in Linda Pastan's poem "Jump Cabling" (501 in Barnet) is a good example of (the poem is below):
Jump Cabling
When our cars touched
When you lifted the hood of mine
To see the intimate workings underneath,
When we were bound together
By a pulse of pure energy,
When my car like the princess
In the tale woke with a start,
I thought why not ride the rest of the way together?
a couplet
8. Which of the following is a good example of simile?
It was a good thing that she stole the pepper spray. John's talent for running meant that he did not have to run faster than the bear -- he just had to run faster than she did.
Milton, thou shouldst be living at this hour.
Hope, thou bold taster of delight.
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.
9. The denotation of a word refers to its:
the suggestions or associations that it conjures.
the negative meanings or pejorative meanings of the word.
various ways that a word can be pronounced.
dictionary definition
10. In poetry, paradox involves the assertion of an apparent contradiction.
11. In poetry, "apostrophe" means to address a person or a thing that is not literally present.
12. The last stanza of Lyn Lifshin's poem "My Mother and the Bed" reads:
She thinks of my life
as a bed only she
can make right
The comparison in this poem is a good example of: