Typical autocratic egomaniac

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Reference no: EM13924388

Question 1: The "Book of the Law" was rediscovered during the reign of

Question 2: The book of Habakkuk predicts the Babylonian conquest.

Question 3: According to Hindson Nebuchadnezzar was your typical autocratic egomaniac that was so corrupted by power that he eventually lost his mind.

Question 4: Asa is seen as basically spiritually weak and an evil king of Judah.

Question 5: Jeremiah advised the king to fight the Babylonians to the last man.

Question 6: What is most memorable about Manasseh according to Harbin.

Question 7: A key theme of the book of Isaiah is

Question 8: Joash was assassinated in response to his having Zechariah stoned to death.

Question 9: Around 538 or 539 BC, Persian king Cyrus issued a decree allowing all captive peoples to return to their native lands.

Question 10: According to the text 'The Exile' could not have been any more severe than what it was.

Question 11: During the reign of Hezekiah the angel of YHWH killed how many Assyrian soldiers outside the walls of Jerusalem.

Question 12: Often Jeremiah tried to convey his message to the people by via acts of role-playing.

Question 13: Per Harbin Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the temple in Jerusalem in 586 BC.

Question 14: Why was Lamentations written?

Question 15: The term "Branch" as used by Isaiah and Jeremiah emphasized that the Messiah would be from the line of David.

Question 16: Rehoboam managed to lose most of his kingdom in part due to a tax revolt that he failed to properly settle.

Question 17: Joash brought hope to the Southern Kingdom by repairing the Temple.

Question 18: What key prophecies did the prophets of this period give regarding the Messiah?

Question 19: One of the most memorable things about Ahaz was his closing of the Temple and his worshipping the gods of Damascus.

Question 20: Isaiah was commissioned as a prophet the year Uzziah died.

Reference no: EM13924388

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