Types of social solidarity

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Reference no: EM133557387


Outline Emile Durkheim's view of society using specifics (anomie, types of social solidarity, collective conscious, etc.). Then apply his arguments to explain a current social event of your choice. Do his ideas hold up under modern scrutiny?

Outline Karl Marx's view of society using specifics (conflict, the proletariat and bourgeoisie, class consciousness, alienation, base, superstructure, etc.) Then apply his arguments to explain a current social event of your choice. Do his ideas hold up under modern scrutiny?

Outline Max Weber's view of society using specifics (such as rationalization, the iron cage, types of authority, religion, verstehen, ) Then apply his arguments to explain a current social event of your choice. Do his ideas hold up under modern scrutiny?

Reference no: EM133557387

Questions Cloud

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