Types of skill are necessary for job option

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM133110751

1. If you were to go into a career in finance, what area interests you the most and why?

2. Further research the type of job that you would be interested in. What types of skill are necessary for this job option?

3. Briefly explain one scenario where you see yourself personally using time value of money calculations to make a decision in the future and how you would use it.

Reference no: EM133110751

Questions Cloud

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What is corporate governance : What is corporate governance? As a student, how can you help in the recovery of the economy during the pandemic
Types of skill are necessary for job option : 2. Further research the type of job that you would be interested in. What types of skill are necessary for this job option?
Definition of quality and share it with class : Find short definition of quality (cite your source) and share it with the class. • How does this definition fit a product or service you have used?
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What is the yield to maturity of the bond : A risk analyst seeks to find out the credit-linked yield spread on a BB-rated one-year coupon bond issued by a multinational petroleum company.


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