Types of organizations

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133529592 , Length: 3 Pages


Step 1: Types of organizations you might use include the following:

  • High-tech
  • Nonprofit
  • Hospitals Medical clinics
  • Realty
  • Fast food
  • Groceries
  • Retail sales

These are just suggestions.

Step 2: After you decide on the organization, pick 1 of these 3 areas of emphasis or theme choices:

  • Group/team work
  • Leadership
  • Organizational change processes

Step 3: Provide a brief analysis of your organization focusing on the theme that you selected. You will use this theme for your individual assignment each week throughout the course.

  • Briefly discuss various research method options.
  • Using your theme (for example, leadership) discuss the best 2 research method approaches to explore or examine your chosen theme and type of organization.
  • Explain why you have selected these research methods and defend your choices using 1 to 2 external sources from the research literature, and cite your sources in APA format.
  • Write a paper of 2 to 3 pages analyzing your research method approach within the chosen organization.

Review this Scholarly Sources document to learn more about proper APA citations and sources.

Reference no: EM133529592

Questions Cloud

How group facilitators behave ethically in groups : Describe how group facilitators behave ethically in groups, and how they establish environments that meet legal and ethical expectations.
Evaluate a program or organizations policies and procedure : Develop a preliminary outline or strategy for how you would evaluate a program or organization's policies and procedures.
Explain elements used to build good human relationships : Explain why self-belief, trust, respect, and empathy are important elements used to build good human relationships with examples?
Describe marcias categories of identity achievement : Describe Marcia's categories of identity achievement. Identify which category you were in at the end of high school, provide examples?
Types of organizations : Provide a brief analysis of your organization focusing on the theme that you selected. You will use this theme for your individual assignment.
What is something ethnic studies : What is something Ethnic Studies or an Ethnic Studies classroom like ours can do to make the education system more empowering to students?
Research the great london smog : What would be some good research questions for the Great London Smog?
Describe combined arms : Describe Combined Arms, how was this use of force employed leading up to and during the maneuver of forces toward Baghdad?
Discuss patriarchy in the first civilizations : Discuss patriarchy in the First Civilizations, specifically its possible origins and how it shaped society.


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