Types of microscopes

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133224567


Answer the following questions in ESSAY FORMAT with DRAWINGS IF APPLICABLE

1. Describe both beneficial and harmful effects microorganisms have on our lives.

2. Describe 5 types of microscopes.

3. Describe 5 types of stains.

4. Draw and label a procaryotic cell to include the following structures: cell wall, plasma membrane, capsule or slime layer, mesosome, cytoplasm, pili, flagella, inclusions, ribosomes and nuclear area (chromosome) and know the function of each (if appropriate) Know functions.

Reference no: EM133224567

Questions Cloud

Knowledge of how membrane transport proteins work : Your knowledge of how membrane transport proteins work, which direction do you expect the Ca2+ pump to move Ca2+ through the organelle membrane?
Is your policy topic important to the general public : Is your policy topic important to the general public? Are there any organizations involved in advocacy for or against existing policy? If not, why
Discuss the significance of salmonella contamination : Discuss the significance of Salmonella contamination with emphasis on the presence of Salmonella Enteriditis in shell eggs.
Unique narrative style : Bose uses a unique narrative style in the excerpt from My Kind of Girl, including first, second, and third person narrative voice.
Types of microscopes : Describe both beneficial and harmful effects microorganisms have on our lives. Describe 5 types of microscopes.
What are the organisational protocols : Apart from keeping the AOD / Mental illness client included in the referral process, what are the other organisational protocols that are required and needed to
What is destiny and how real is destiny : What is destiny? How real is destiny? Can it be explained? How described? Are we in charge of our destiny,
Compare the exotoxins and endotoxin : Individually, generate a table that compares and contrasts exotoxins and endotoxins. Including location in the bacterium, molecular structure, heat stability.
Eavesdropping : 'Eave's drop'- this week capture snippets of conversation from real-life situations and/or the media and record them in your writer's journal.


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