Types of input control and explain the function of each

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13759979

There are many kinds of input controls. Write a 4-5 page paper in which you:

1. Explain the function of input controls.

2. Identify four (4) types of input control and explain the function of each.

3. Provide an example of a data integrity error that could occur if each of these types of input control were not in place.

4. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of restricting user interfaces. (User interfaces can often be restricted, limiting the user's ability to navigate to other areas of the system, or out of the system.)

5. Design and build a graphical representation of a Web-based input for making a hotel reservation, using Visio or PowerPoint or an equivalent.

6. Research and cite at least three (3) reputable academic sources.

Reference no: EM13759979

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