Types of healthcare organizations

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Reference no: EM133609864


For this Practitioner Application, you are to place yourself in the role of Marketing Director for a soon-to-be-established wellness center located in the city of your choice. (An actual city must be selected as this assignment calls for formal market research.) The entity will be known as Embarcadero Wellness and it will offer the usual and customary array of services provided by wellness centers that are offered by or affiliated with hospitals and other types of healthcare organizations. (If you aren't familiar with this modality of healthcare, view the example presented at the following link ----- WK Fitness & Wellness Centers ----- or, even better, go visit an establishment in your area to gain a proper understanding.)

The wellness center's owner desires using scent to improve the customer experience and has requested your assistance and expertise. Your task is to investigate scent research, seeking insights regarding common applications, healthcare-specific applications, and applications which might be particularly helpful in wellness center contexts. Then, supply a report which communicates research findings and provides scent recommendations and associated methods of application which have the potential to enhance the experiences of patrons.

Introduction (In this section, supply a brief introduction, helping the reader grasp the intent of the forthcoming work.)


  • City Profile (In this section, supply a brief overview of the city of focus, noting its name, population, demographic characteristics, and any other helpful background information.)
  • Service Profile (In this section, supply an overview profiling wellness centers which are owned by or affiliated with hospitals and related healthcare organizations. Provide a definition, note major services offered, and convey other helpful details, demonstrating your grasp of this particular area of healthcare.)

Research and Recommendations

  • Applicable Scent Research Findings (In this section, summarize general scent research findings and direct specific attention toward scent research findings in medical contexts.)
  • Recommended Scent(s) and Method(s) of Application (In this section, identify the scent(s) recommended for the wellness center and discuss the method(s) recommended for applying scent in the facility.)

Conclusions (In this section, summarize the report, being sure to express your expectations regarding how the recommended scent enhancements will impact the customer experience.)

References (In this section, supply a list of references conforming with the instructions listed elsewhere in this communication.).

Reference no: EM133609864

Questions Cloud

Explain the best choices for target market and product : What media mix would you suggest for a $10 million advertising campaign? Fully explain why these are the best choices for your target market AND product.
What is mobile marketing : Explain your understanding of what mobile marketing is and what role it should play in marketing campaigns. What is the role of CLV in relationship marketing?
Estimate profitability of groupon promotion for american : Estimate the profitability of Groupon promotion for American Apparel (p.6). Specifically, dissect into the different benefits that Groupon promotion provides.
Discuss products and services as well as target audiences : Choose a product or service you would like to offer to a particular audience, such as a dating consulting service, a window cleaning business.
Types of healthcare organizations : Supply an overview profiling wellness centers which are owned by or affiliated with hospitals and related healthcare organizations.
Explain marketing incentives used by ic represent earnings : Explain how the sales and marketing incentives used by IC represent earnings management.
Evaluating the fit between the branded product : Evaluating the 'fit' between the branded product and this target segment (or these target segments), and pinpointing any opportunities to improve the targeting.
What disciplines have you made yours : What skills are yours? What disciplines have you made yours? Select words, adjectives or phrases that describe or define who you are.
Describe how healthcare personal ethics and values align : Describe how healthcare personal ethics and values align with the mission and vision of the health care organization where they would intend to work.


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