Reference no: EM132843487
You are to design a study using some type of true experimental quasi-experimental
1. Describe the underlying or study that you might conduct in your discipline. Problem that is motivating your study.
2. Provide a rationale for your study that indicates why this study is needed.
3. a. Briefly describe the purpose of your study.
b. Research questions you plan to answer in this study. The research questions should be answerable via some type of inferential (not descriptive) statistical procedure.
4. Indicate the broad design category for your study (i.e., quasi-experimental or true experimental) and explain why the study represents either a quasi-experimental or true experimental design. Then name and describe the specific research design you plan to use and why you chose this design.
5. What is/are the dependent variable(s) in your study and how would you measure or operationally define it/them?
6. How will you manipulate the independent variable(s) for your study? Be fairly specific.
7. Describe the sampling design you will use for this study.
a. In describing your sampling design, you should include a description of your target population, accessible population (or sampling frame), and methods you will use for obtaining the sample.
b. Also discuss how your sample, accessible population (or sampling frame), and target population are well-matched to one another.
c. You will also indicate any specific inclusion and exclusion criteria for potential participants/subjects.
8. Describe two potential threats to internal validity, discuss how these threats might affect your results if not controlled, and then explain how you plan to minimize or control for each.
9. Discuss at least two potential external validity threats and explain why these aspects of your study might pose threats.
10. What efforts would you make to maximize treatment fidelity in your study?