Type of physiologic mechanism of compensation

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Reference no: EM132437613

A 67-year-old female was admitted with acute exacerbation of COPD secondary to bacterial pneumonia. Upon admittance, she complained of having to "gasp for breath" and coughing up phlegm that is brownish-green. Arterial blood was drawn and sampled, revealing the following values:

pH 7.30pCO2 53 mm HgpO2 60 mm HgHemoglobin - O2 saturation 45 %[HCO3-] 24 meq / liter

What type of physiologic mechanism of compensation could occur for this acid-base disturbance?

  • Additional HCO3 could be retained by the kidneys
  • Additional HCO3 could be excreted by the kidneys
  • Additional CO2 could be retained by slowing respiration rate
  • Additional CO2 could be lost by increasing respiration rate

Reference no: EM132437613

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