Type of crime and use four criminological theories

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Reference no: EM133373568


Research Paper

For your Research Paper, students need to choose a type of crime and use four criminological theories to explain why this crime may occur.

Organizing Your Paper

Choosing the Crime

You initially need to choose one of eight index crimes from the Uniform Crime Report (the Uniform Crime Report refers to the FBI dataset for measuring crimes in the U.S.). The eight index crimes include:

i. Homicide
ii. Rape
iii. Robbery
iv. Aggravated Assault
v. Burglary
vi. Larceny
vii. Motor Vehicle Theft
viii. Arson

Choosing the Theories

After choosing one of the eight crimes, you need to choose FOUR theories(3 were already chosen, therefore,1 additional theory will need to be chosen)from the course that you believe can explain why this crime occurs. In this course, we have / will cover ten theories including:

i. Cultural Conflict Theory
ii. Anomie / Strain Theory
iii. Social Disorganization Theory
iv. Differential Association / Social Learning Theory
v. Labeling Theory
vi. Social Control / Social Bond Theory
vii. Life Course Theory
viii. Trait Theory
ix. Routine Activities Theory
x. Rational Choice Theory

Writing the Paper

I. Title Page

Include the title of your paper, your name, course number, my name, and date (do not include large size font/different colors/pictures).

II. Introduction -

Provide a brief summary of the crime problem in America and the theories you will be discussing. Introduce your thesis statement. For example:

"This work will examine criminological theories surrounding potential motivations for arson including labeling, routine activities, trait, and social learning theories."

III. Body -

You should have around one page for each theory-crime connection. You should include two paragraphs on each page. The first paragraph should explain the theory. The second paragraph should explain how it connects to your chosen crime. For example:

Paragraph One: "Labeling theory refers to..."

Paragraph Two: "Labeling theory can help explain arson offending..."

Importantly, you need to make sure to include references for each theory explanation and each connection to the specific crime. When explaining the theory, you can often use the textbook (although outside sources work as well). When connecting to the crime, you will need to identify outside sources (i.e., academic articles) that explain your connection. The best way to do this is through google scholar. For instance, in google scholar search:

"Labeling theory and arson"

You will find articles that connect to each theory this way. These articles will also help you understand how these theories work to explain crime as well. Try to find articles that directly discuss the connections between homicide and your chosen theories. It looks like the ones that were found in the research paper outline talk about the theories and crime at large (or other crimes) - not direct connections to homicide per-se. Do not remove those articles instead add articles that are direct connections to homicide.

IV. Conclusion

Summarize your research paper. Highlight the key components identified in each of the four subsections.Provide any concluding remarks about the future for criminological understanding of the chosen crime problem in America.
V. References

You will need to use APA citations (for assistance, see Schoology folder). Importantly,you will need to include at least four academic articles - one for each theory-crime connection. In other words, your References page should include at least six sources.

General Guidelines

- The assignment should be around 6 pages, excluding the title page and references (do not forget to include these). ONLY 3 ADDITIONAL PAGES ARE NEEDED, you're writing an additional 3 PAGES to the research paper outline.You must use APA formatting for the title page and references. Although, you do not need to include an abstract.

Attachment:- Criminology.rar

Reference no: EM133373568

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