Type of correlation exists between volume of oat milk and ph

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133417999

Question: Your friend mentions the coffee is causing them heartburn because it is acidic, but adding oat milk to coffee seems to lessen the heartburn.

Your friend is particularly passionate about using oat milk in their coffee, and you are particularly interested in applying the things you are learning in Biology class...So you decide to run a bit of an experiment.

You want to know how oat milk affects the pH of coffee.

You get 10 cups of coffee, and you change the amount of oat milk you add to each cup. You then measure the pH of the cups. You plot your data in an XY scatterplot and get the following graph:

1) What type of correlation (if any) exists between the volume of oat milk and pH?

Reference no: EM133417999

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