Type of communication

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Reference no: EM13167138

I do believe that interpersonal communication should be a required class in every public high school. This type of communication would benefit students not only throughout the rest of their high school years, but also throughout college and the rest of their life. Students need to talk on a personal level with their classmates and family. They need to know how to have a conversation with someone about anything and still show the other person that they care and treat that person with respect. The teenage years can be a difficult time not all teenagers know the proper way to communicate with others and some show lack of respect for others feelings because of peer pressure. I remember when I was in high school and their always were these group of students that would treat others not in their group with disrespect. They would only have interpersonal communication with others in their group and outsiders of that group would only be talked two for self-serving motives. Taking a course in interpersonal communication would help the students learn how to listen, be more understanding, and to treat others with respect.

Do you think that someone with these skills would have an advantage in the job market? Why or why not?

Please respond with at least 50 words.

Reference no: EM13167138

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