Type of ceramic dental material

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133329381

Case : A 40-year-old female patient came to the dental clinic with complaints of a broken left upper front tooth and cavities in the left lower molar. The patient wants her teeth to be as beautiful as their original teeth. The results of the intra-oral examination showed that tooth 21 had a fracture of 1/2 crown, and tooth 36 had caries reaching the occlusal pulp extending from mesial to distal. Composite resin fillings were also seen on teeth 12 and 13, and glass ionomer cement fillings on tooth 16. After conducting other examinations and various considerations, the dentist planned root canal treatment and final restoration of teeth 21 with ceramic crowns and 36 with ceramic onlays.

Question : Explain the type of ceramic dental material that can be used for tooth 21 in this case.

Reference no: EM133329381

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